Wuthering Waves Wiki

Maintenance log for Court of Savantae's No. I suppressor, documenting the research findings of the SR-461 team from the Court of Savantae during their time in Whining Aix's Mire.


"Suppressor Tower I - Maintenance Log" is a one of two Maintenance Logs obtained during Huanglong Exploration Quest Stygian Lacrimosa in Whining Aix's Mire: Act 1.


"Suppressor Site 1 - Maintenance Log"

Entry No. 14

1. Status of suppression device: Reactivated. Functions, normal. Rate of fog suppression continues to decline.

2. Data analysis and additional notes: Recent suppression results, unsatisfactory. Assuming the effectiveness of the suppression device remains constant, I can only infer that the increase of energy intensity within the fog's source is present.

Test results have revealed that the fog carries energy of similar frequency, as detected in the mud-like substance found within the marsh. I can confirm with high confidence that these phenomena are derived from a unique and unified source in this area.

In addition, it has been observed that the Mourning Aix performed repeated entries into the fog carrying reactants of high energy intensity. Followed by a plummet in the efficiency of the suppression device after its departure. I believe that Mourning Aix correlates with the source.

However, I am puzzled to find that the Mourning Aix's vital signs weakened each time it departed from the fog. Lacking data... Further observations needed.

Recorder: Shi'er, SR-461

See Also[]

For another Maintenance Log found in this quest, see "Suppressor Tower II - Maintenance Log".

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  English"Suppressor Tower I - Maintenance Log"
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)《一号装置塔 - 维检记录日志》
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)《一號裝置塔 - 維檢記錄日誌》
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese『一号抑制装置・メンテナンスログ』
Emoji KO Flag  Korean1 장치 타워 - 점검 기록 로그』
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchTour I - Journal d'inspection de maintenance
Emoji DE Flag  German"Unterdrücker Turm I - Wartungsprotokoll"
Emoji ES Flag  Spanish"Torre Supresora I - Registro de Mantenimiento"

Change History[]

