Wuthering Waves Wiki

Refined animal fat, rich with savory aroma. In expert hands, it creates a perfectly golden crisp crust, delivering indulgent flavor without a hint of greasiness. One bite and your taste buds will be in pure bliss.

Animal Fat is a cooking ingredient resource in Wuthering Waves.

How to Obtain[]

Shop Availability[]

There is 1 Shop that sells Animal Fat:

Item NPC Shell Credit Cost Stock Notes
Animal Fat Animal Fat Gondola Market 500 50

Craft Usage[]

No Items can be crafted using Animal Fat.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishAnimal Fat
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)动物油
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)動物油
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese動物油脂
Emoji KO Flag  Korean동물 기름
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchHuile animale
Emoji DE Flag  GermanTierisches Fett
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishGrasa animal

Change History[]

