Wuthering Waves Wiki
Wuthering Waves Wiki
Baizhi Sticker Slice of Life 01 08
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Common bladderwort in river crevices. An insectivorous plant that is not harmful to human. Its stamens secrete a unique fragrant substance that attracts insects.

Bunnywort is a medicinal material resource in Wuthering Waves.

How to Obtain[]

Shop Availability[]

No Shops sell Bunnywort.

Craft Usage[]

There is 1 Item that can be crafted using Bunnywort:

Item Craft Type Recipe
Bunnywort 2 Bunnywort

Video Guides[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishBunnywort
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)月藻
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)月藻
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese月藻(ウサギゴケ)
Emoji KO Flag  Korean달수초
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchAlgues lunaires
Emoji DE Flag  GermanKaninchenkraut
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishHierba lunar

Change History[]

