Wuthering Waves Wiki

A cherished item among the Rinascita people, it is said to hold music within, crafted by skilled artisans. However, due to internal damage, it no longer fulfills its original purpose.


A crafted collection of recorded music, which, when given to the Aria Mummer, adds the tracks to their collection list.

A song sung by the Fool's Troupe members. Unlocked in the Main Quest "What Yesterday Wept, Today Doth Sing".

Location in Aria Mummers Collection[]

Album: Through the Silent Veil
Track: 16

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishCloudcasting Project
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)造云计划
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)造雲計劃
Emoji JA Flag  JapaneseCloudcasting Project
Emoji KO Flag  Korean구름 제조 기획
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchCloudcasting Project
Emoji DE Flag  GermanCloudcasting Project
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishCloudcasting Project

Change History[]

