1. Deliver KU-Cass Cartridges to upgrade the Data Hub. 2. Reaching a new level grants level rewards and unlocks a new Outlier: Tacet Discord. 3. Defeat Outlier: Tacet Discords for the first time to get rich rewards.
Unique Tacet Discord. A Gulpuff born from anomalous data, this creature possesses an enormous size and terrifying destructive power.
While Gulpuffs are usually Common Class Tacet Discords, this one has acquired exceptional combat ability and a violent temper due to the influence of anomalous data. Maintaining a safe distance is advised.
2. Blazing Cutlass[]
Unique Tacet Discord. A Fusion Warrior born from anomalous data, possessing combat skills beyond imagination.
Its dual-wielded blades, replacing its arms, appear almost sentient, exploiting every weakness in an opponent's stance.
The specific frequency it mimicked to achieve such mastery in swordsmanship remains a mystery.
3. Cyclone Swarm[]
Unique cluster of Tacet Discords. A swarm of Cruisewings bunched together due to anomalous data, exhibiting a certain extent of teamwork.
While individual Cruisewings are weak, their combined forces can create a powerful storm.
This swarm possesses formidable combat abilities that should not be underestimated.
4. Tambourine Duo[]
Unique group of Tacet Discords. Two Tambourinists fused together due to anomalous data, possessing frequencies of unimaginable intensity.
The sounds of their musical instruments are like the wails and resentments from the abyss—so haunting that merely hearing them might bring misfortune.
5. Alptop Champion[]
Unique Tacet Discord. A Rocksteady Guardian formed from anomalous data, capable of smashing through multiple rock layers with a single blow.
Despite its slow movement, its devastating force is more than enough to make up for it.