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Baizhi Sticker Slice of Life 01 08
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The combat data obtained from the Tactical Hologram: Calamity can be exchanged for various rewards in the Simulation Training Store.


Data Sets can be used in the Store to buy Lustrous Tides, Echo Development Materials, Shell Credit Shell Credit, and Phantom appearances for some Overlord Class Echoes.

How to Obtain[]

Data Sets are given as a reward for clearing a difficulty level of a Tactical Hologram for the first time.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishData Set
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)演练数据集
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)演練數據集
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese仮想訓練データ集
Emoji KO Flag  Korean연습 데이터집
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchDonnées de simulation
Emoji DE Flag  GermanDatensatz
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishConjunto de datos

Change History[]

