Wuthering Waves Wiki

A prototype weapon designed by the Black Shores for elite combatants. This weapon takes its name from an active galactic nucleus whose blinding radiance pierces the cosmos.

No matter where you are, the starlight of the shores will always guide your way.

Deep Sky Blazar Weapon Chest is a Supply Pack in Wuthering Waves. It has been obtainable as an event reward in some limited time events and ma or may not become obtainable again in a future event.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishDeep Sky Blazar Weapon Chest
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)深空耀变武器箱
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)深空耀變武器箱
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese深宇宙に光るブレイザー武器箱
Emoji KO Flag  Korean다크 블레이자 무기 상자
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchCoffre d'arme : Blazar de l'univers
Emoji DE Flag  GermanTiefenraum-Blazar-Waffenkiste
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishCofre de arma de Blázar celestial

Change History[]

