Wuthering Waves Wiki
Baizhi Sticker Slice of Life 01 08
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They come from Researchers' journals, with annotations from some acquaintance. The Storyteller of Jinzhou Theater is collecting these fragments.


Dim Forest Data is a quest item in Wuthering Waves.

Collecting all 4 Dim Forest Data unlocks the Tales of the Past and Present: Dim Forest quest. Completing the quest removes the Dim Forest Data chips from the Bacpack and replaces them with Dim Forest Survey Team Diary.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishDim Forest Data
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)无光之森数据集
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)無光之森數據集
Emoji JA Flag  Japaneseデータセット・光なき森
Emoji KO Flag  Korean암흑 밀림 데이터집
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchJeu de données sur la forêt d'apesanteur
Emoji DE Flag  GermanDaten des Düsteren Waldes
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishDatos del Bosque Oscuro

Change History[]

