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Wuthering Waves Wiki


  1. Enter the gateway
  2. Defeat the enemies
  3. Turn off the communication device
  4. Look for a set of Exile clothing
  5. Head to the Blue Camel's camp
  6. Change into the Exile clothing
  7. Locate the missing files
  8. Leave the Blue Camel's camp
  9. Deliver the file to "Red Eagle"
  10. Talk to "Red Eagle"
  11. Find out the truth
  12. Look for the source of the anomaly
  13. Confront the Dollmaker
  14. Stop your past self
  15. Talk to the strange white cat
  16. End the nightmare
  17. Defeat the nightmares
  18. Leave the Somnoire
  19. (Optional) Talk to Yinlin


(Enter the gateway)
"Red Eagle": Yinlin, do you copy? Got an emergency for you to handle.
"Red Eagle": We need you to infiltrate the Blue Camel and get their latest transaction records.
"Red Eagle": Remember, don't get caught, or they'll destroy the evidence.

(Defeat the enemies)
Yinlin: Infiltration... Hmm, I'll need to suit up right.
Yinlin: Gotta sever communications at their camp first. Can't have them calling for backup.)
(Turn off the communication device

(Look for a set of Exile clothing)
Yinlin: This outfit should do the trick.

(Enter the gateway)
Yinlin: (That's their hideout. Time to find a discreet spot to change.)
(You change to blend in with the other Blue Camel Exiles)

(Locate the missing files)
Yinlin: (This is it... Need to send it back ASAP.)
Yinlin: (Better hang onto this outfit in case I run into the guards.)

(Leave the Blue Camel's camp)
Patroller on Duty: Hey! What's that you're holding?
Icon Dialogue Talk Delivery for my boss.
Icon Dialogue Talk Replacement parts, nothing else.
Patroller on Duty: Open it. We need to check what's inside. We've had reports about Exiles conducting illegal business recently.
Yinlin: ("Red Eagle" needs this. I can't let them search the box.)
Icon Dialogue Talk Pretend to turn yourself in
Yinlin: I confess, sir. This is proof of their crimes...
Yinlin: I can't stand their dirty deeds anymore, so I'm taking this to the Public Security Bureau myself.
Yinlin: If you don't trust me, you can come along.
Patroller on Duty: Well... It's good that you want to bring them to justice.
Patroller on Duty: Alright, I'll escort her to the Bureau. The rest of you, resume your duties.

(You are struck with a wave of dizziness as the Patroller's voice grows distant...)
Yinlin: (What happened... Huh? Why are they all lying on the ground?)
Yinlin: (No injuries. Looks like they just passed out.)
Yinlin: (They'll wake at any moment. I need to get the evidence back to him.)
Yinlin: This place... something feels wrong. I need to be on my guard.

(Enter the gateway)
"Red Eagle": I've told you before not to come barging in here.
Yinlin: Something unexpected happened during the mission... This will be safer with you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hand over the file
"Red Eagle": What's this?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Blue Camel's transaction records. You asked for them.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
"Red Eagle": You attacked the patrollers for this?
Icon Dialogue Talk Something happened to them, but it wasn't my doing.
Icon Dialogue Talk (...Something's wrong.)
"Red Eagle": You've been fooled! I never gave you such an order!
"Red Eagle": Can't you spot a fake transmittion?
"Red Eagle": You've disappointed me, Yinlin.
Icon Dialogue Talk Fake? How?
Yinlin: (Was the intel false, or did someone impersonate him when they contacted me?)
Yinlin: Blaming me won't make any difference. I need to get to the bottom of this.
Yinlin: Give me some time. I'll figure it out.

(Enter the gateway)
Yinlin: (Back at the Blue Camel's camp again? This isn't right...)

(Confront the Dollmaker)
Dollmaker: I've been waiting for you, Yinlin.
Yinlin: You! Why are you here?
Dollmaker: You were once part of the Séance Society, until you betrayed me...
Dollmaker: Now answer me: who are you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Patroller.
Dollmaker: Ask any Patroller if they recognize you. They would only see you as a defector.
Dollmaker: You are no Patroller, Yinlin. You never will be.
Icon Dialogue Return Dollmaker: Now answer me: who are you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Undercover agent.
Dollmaker: Haha, is that so? The only one who can prove you are who you say you are has lost faith in you.
Dollmaker: You are no Public Security agent, Yinlin. Your foolishness has ruined everything.
Icon Dialogue Return Dollmaker: Now answer me: who are you?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm nobody...
Dollmaker: That's right, Yinlin. That's who you are...
Dollmaker: And you don't belong anywhere.
Dollmaker: No one will ever accept you or see your worth. You're nothing!
Yinlin: I'm... nobody...
(Your thoughts drift back to before this quest began. The lines between the memories, dreams, and reality blur together, making you forget that you've experienced all of this before.)

"Red Eagle": Yinlin, do you copy? Got an emergency for you to handle.
"Red Eagle": We need you to infiltrate the Blue Camel and get their latest transaction records.
"Red Eagle": Remember, don't get caught, or they'll destroy the evidence.
Yinlin: What is this? Time's rewound to the start of the mission?
Yinlin: That's... me.
Yinlin: No, I have to stop this. How can any of this be possible?
(Stop your past self)
Rover: Yinlin, calm down!
Icon Dialogue Talk I have to stop myself!
Icon Dialogue Talk Something's wrong with this mission.
Rover: No, everything's fine.
Icon Dialogue Talk "Red Eagle" confirmed this mission is a bust.
Rover: He's the mole in the Public Security Bureau
Rover: You did nothing wrong.
Icon Dialogue Talk How could I have known...
Rover: No, you knew it all along. Just not in this place.
Rover: The mission was a success. You caught the mole and put an end to the Blue Camel's dealings.
Rover: As for the patrollers, you never attacked them.
Icon Dialogue Talk But I made the wrong judgement...
Icon Dialogue Talk I put my trust in the wrong person.
Rover: No. You've always been cautious.
Rover: You're just too afraid of making mistakes, that's why you dream these things.
Rover: You've only ever had yourself to rely on, but still, you never waver.
Rover: Think about that question again. Who are you, really?
Icon Dialogue Talk I am who I am...
Icon Dialogue Talk I am Yinlin.
(Talk to the strange white cat)

(Enter the gateway)
(Defeat the nightmares)
Dollmaker: You're nothing, Yinlin!
Yinlin: Enough talking, Dollmaker. You've lost yourself.
(Defeat the nightmares)
Rover: Yinlin!
Yinlin: Rover, you came because you were worried about me?
Rover: Let's take them down together.
Yinlin: Hehe, no rush. They'll be leaving soon.
(Defeat the Mech Abomination)
Dollmaker: You betrayed the Patrollers. You betrayed me! Who will ever trust you after this?!
Yinlin: I know who I am. I have my own path to walk.

(Leave the Somnoire)
(Quest returns to When the Night Knocks)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishNeverending Inferno
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)永无休止的地狱
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)永無止境的地獄
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese終わらないインフェルノ
Emoji KO Flag  Korean끝나지 않는 지옥불
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchL'Enfer sans fin
Emoji DE Flag  GermanNie endendes Inferno
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishInfierno sin fin

Change History[]
