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Baizhi Sticker Slice of Life 01 08
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Aero Resistance Spray is a medicine that can be crafted through Synthesis. It is used to increase all party members' Electro DMG Resistance.


Icon Synthesize Recipe
Electro Resistance Spray 1 Electro Resistance Spray

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishElectro Resistance Spray
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)导电防护喷雾
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)導電防護噴霧
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese電導防護スプレ
Emoji KO Flag  Korean전도 보호 스프레이
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchSpray de résistance Electro
Emoji DE Flag  GermanElectro-Widerstandsspray
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishSpray de RES a Electro

Change History[]

