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Glorious Loong's Pearl is a Exploration Quest that occurs in Mt. Firmament, Huanglong. It is the first quest in the series: Mirrored Loong's Pearl.


  1. Eliminate the enemies and save the young woman
  2. Check on the young woman
  3. Feed the young woman some Milky Fish Soup
  4. Activate the Altar of Initiation
  5. Connect the Light Path with the Altar of Radiance
  6. Check on the Murals
  7. Complete Rite of Offering where light beam points
    1. Stand in the light and adjust the camera to align the Pearl with the Loong's mouth

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Completing the "Feed the young woman some Milky Fish Soup" step will award the player Glazed Lamp.


UI Quest Quest Description

Stranded in the wilderness, a determined young woman strives to perform a sacred rite for the Sentinel's well-being. Help her fulfill the Rite of Offering, and uphold this ancient tradition.
(Check on the young woman)
???: (She mumbles weakly.)
Icon Dialogue Talk Hey! Wake up! Can you hear me?
Abby: Her hands are so cold. Oh no.
Icon Dialogue Talk But she doesn't seem badly injured.
???: Cold... Hun-hungry...
Abby: Seems like she's out cold from hunger and, well, cold. I might not know what cold feels like, but hunger? That's a killer!
Abby: Let's whip up something for her, shall we?
Abby: Something delicious, warm, and easy to the stomach!
Abby: (Abby's stomach growls...)
Abby: Oh great, now I'm hungry too! Make some more, I'd like some soup too!

(Feed the young woman some Milky Fish Soup)
Abby: Oh? The food's ready?
Abby: It smells delicious! Let's feed her, quick! And hey, don't forget to save some for me!
Icon Dialogue Talk (Feed the unconscious girl some Milky Fish Soup.)
???: Hmm... Ngh... What is this...
The girl regains consciousness and slowly rises to her feet.
???: Phew... Thank you. I feel much better now.
???: I really thought I was going to die here...
Abby: Had we not ran into you, you'd be Tacet Discord poop by now.
???: Eek...
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't tease her.
Abby: Well, I'm not trying to! It's a genuine warning!
Icon Dialogue Talk No worries. Tacet Discords don't poop.
Abby: Seriously? You're really bad at comforting people, you know...
Abby: By the way, what is your name?
Shicheng: Oh! Hi, I'm Shicheng. I live near the entrance of Hongzhen.
Shicheng: How's Hongzhen now? I haven't been able to get in touch with my family..
Icon Dialogue Talk Hongzhen? I've never been there before.
Shicheng: So you're not from Hongzhen?
Shicheng: Wait, are you from outside of Mt. Firmament? That's weird... I've never heard of any outsider actually reaching our town.
Shicheng: Could it be the fading strength of our Sentinel causing this?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Sentinel's here?
Abby: Do you know why that is, then?
Shicheng: Hmm... Sorry, but I've only heard the Sentinel's condition has been getting worse. If you're curious, you might want to ask around in Hongzhen.
Icon Dialogue Talk Can you lead us to Hongzhen?
Abby: Yeah, and we can escort you back home. It's dangerous out here. You might not be so lucky next time you pass out.
Shicheng: Sorry, but I can't go back yet.
Icon Dialogue Talk I just left Hongzhen.
Shicheng: Really? But you don't look like a local person...
Shicheng: A-are you working for those creepy people in red uniforms?!
Abby: Nonsense! We're way stronger than those guys.
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, let me get this straight.
You brief the young girl on what happened to Mt. Firmament and Hongzhen.
Shicheng: I see... So those scary people are from the Fractsidus.
Shicheng: I was so scared. Had to hide in a cave for days.
Abby: So that's why you passed out from hunger, then the Tacet Discords dragged you out from that cave?
Shicheng: Yes... It's so embarrassing.
Shicheng: By the way, Rover, are those Fractsidus people gone now?
Icon Dialogue Talk Some of them might still be around.
Abby: So perhaps you shouldn't return to Hongzhen yet. You won't be so lucky to have someone like us to save you next time.
Shicheng: Indeed... Plus, I still have unfinished business here.
Icon Dialogue Talk They've all been dealth with.
Abby: Well, you'd better hurry back. Even though the Fractsidus are gone, there are plenty of other dangerous critters looking for a snack.
Shicheng: No, I can't go back yet. I still have unfinished business here.
Shicheng: Actually... I've been trying to do something for the Sentinel since I heard about its deteoriating condition...
Shicheng: We honor the Sentinel with a special ritual. Uncle Fu used to organize it for us, but he's been unwell in recent years. No one has taken over.
Shicheng: So this year, I volunteered to be the Flamebearer for the Rite of Offering.
Shicheng: I know I'm just an ordinary person, and there's probably not much I can do to help...
Shicheng: But at least I can convey our well-wishes through this ritual. Who knows? It might help the Sentinel recover.
Abby: It probably won't make a big difference, but...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...kudos to you for wanting to help.
Abby: So, how did it go?
Shicheng: Uh... I've been stuck at the very first step...
Abby: Huh? Seriously?
Shicheng: Um, well, Uncle Fu's instructions were just really hard to understand, you know! I was going to ask him again, but he's been extremely unwell lately, so...
Icon Dialogue Talk I hope he'll feel better soon.
Shicheng: Thank you. I know one thing for sure: this is where the Rite of Offering begins.
Shicheng: Here, you see this lamp? We need it to perform the ritual.
Abby: Wow, it's glowing. Looks quite pretty.
Shicheng: Legend has it that this ritual originated with the arrival of the Sentinel from heaven. But during the wars, it was forgotten.
Shicheng: We have Uncle Fu to thank for resurrecting this ritual by studying ancient texts.
Shicheng: This mural is supposed to show the correct procedures, but... Cough cough...
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you alright?
Abby: She's still too weak... Hey, Shicheng, you better go take some rest in the cave.
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave the ritual to us.
Shicheng: Thank you so much. Then please take this glazed lamp. You'll need it for the ritual.
Shicheng: I'm heading back to the cave. Please let me know if you find anything. Thank you so much for your help.

(Optional - Talk to Shicheng in the cave)
Shicheng: Rover, do you know how to perform the ritual?
Shicheng: The nearby mural should give us some clues...

(Check on the Murals)
Abby: Let me see. This should be where the final step takes place. By the look of it, is this... the place called Loong's Crest?
Abby: Isn't that pole in the mural the one we saw outside of the cave? The pearl has been sent to the top of it, right?
Abby: We need to alight the pearl with its mouth... Alright, I've got the hang of it.

(Complete Rite of Offering where light beam points)
Shicheng: Great! We did it!
Shicheng: *coughing* Sorry, I-I got a bit carried away...
Shicheng: Uncle Fu said there are a total of five parts of this ritual, and we have to go all over Mt. Firmament for them...
Shicheng: Uncle Fu didn't give clear hints about where to take the remaining four steps, just some brief clues.
Shicheng: He said the first is located north of Xuanji Ridge, at the boundary of yellow and white; the second is located south of Hongzhen, where the waterfalls converge.
Shicheng: The third is located above the Loong's Ridge, at the peak of the arch-shaped rock; and the fourth is located on the southeast side, among the shoals and islands.
Shicheng: That's all I know. Sorry, it seems you'll need to figure out the exact locations yourself... I'm counting on you!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishGlorious Loong's Pearl
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)照龙映珠
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)照龍映珠
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese龍を映す珠
Emoji KO Flag  Korean용을 비추는 구슬
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchCérémonie de la perle du Dragon
Emoji DE Flag  GermanPerlen, die in Loongs Ruhm reflektiert werden
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishGloriosa Perla de Loong

Change History[]

