Wuthering Waves Wiki

The precious experimental records brought back from the Tower of Adversity can be exchanged for various rewards in the Adversity Exchange.


Hazard Records can be used in the Store to buy Development Materials, Shell Credit Shell Credit and Phantom appearances for some Overlord Class Echoes.

How to Obtain[]

Hazard Records are obtained by clearing stages in the Tower of Adversity.

See Also[]

For information about the similar looking currency, see Data Set.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishHazard Record
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)深境记录
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)深境記錄
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese深層レポート
Emoji KO Flag  Korean심경 기록
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchRecord de la Tour
Emoji DE Flag  GermanGefahrenaufzeichnung
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishRegistro de peligro

Change History[]

