Summon 3 twirling Crescent Servants around you. Crescent Servants attack enemies with their spinning blades, dealing 30.40% Havoc DMG . Triggering a Counterattack with the Echo attacks resets the Crescent Servants' duration. The Resonator with this Echo equipped in the main slot has their Coordinated Attack DMG increased by 40.00% . CD: 20s
Summon 3 twirling Crescent Servants around you. Crescent Servants attack enemies with their spinning blades, dealing 35.46% Havoc DMG . Triggering a Counterattack with the Echo attacks resets the Crescent Servants' duration. The Resonator with this Echo equipped in the main slot has their Coordinated Attack DMG increased by 40.00% . CD: 20s
Summon 3 twirling Crescent Servants around you. Crescent Servants attack enemies with their spinning blades, dealing 40.53% Havoc DMG . Triggering a Counterattack with the Echo attacks resets the Crescent Servants' duration. The Resonator with this Echo equipped in the main slot has their Coordinated Attack DMG increased by 40.00% . CD: 20s
Summon 3 twirling Crescent Servants around you. Crescent Servants attack enemies with their spinning blades, dealing 45.59% Havoc DMG . Triggering a Counterattack with the Echo attacks resets the Crescent Servants' duration. The Resonator with this Echo equipped in the main slot has their Coordinated Attack DMG increased by 40.00% . CD: 20s
Summon Crescent Servants to deal
Havoc DMG to enemies. Triggering a
Counterattack with the attacks resets the summon duration. Equipping this Echo in the main slot increases
Coordinated Attack DMG.
Sonata Sets [ ]
This echo can uniquely be obtained with a Sonata different to its native drop possibility via molded echo boxes:
Other Languages [ ]
Language Official Name EnglishHecate
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