Inferno Rider
Transform into Inferno Rider to launch up to 3 consecutive slashes in a row, each slash dealing 174.23 %, 203.26 %, and 203.26 % Fusion DMG respectively. After the final hit, increase the current character’s Fusion DMG by 12.00% and Basic Attack DMG by 12.00% for 15s. Long press the Echo Skill to transform into Inferno Rider and enter the Riding Mode. When exiting the Riding Mode, deal 203.26 % Fusion DMG to enemies in front. CD: 20s
Transform into Inferno Rider to launch up to 3 consecutive slashes in a row, each slash dealing 196.95 %, 229.78 %, and 229.78 % Fusion DMG respectively. After the final hit, increase the current character’s Fusion DMG by 12.00% and Basic Attack DMG by 12.00% for 15s. Long press the Echo Skill to transform into Inferno Rider and enter the Riding Mode. When exiting the Riding Mode, deal 229.78 % Fusion DMG to enemies in front. CD: 20s
Transform into Inferno Rider to launch up to 3 consecutive slashes in a row, each slash dealing 219.68 %, 256.29 %, and 256.29 % Fusion DMG respectively. After the final hit, increase the current character’s Fusion DMG by 12.00% and Basic Attack DMG by 12.00% for 15s. Long press the Echo Skill to transform into Inferno Rider and enter the Riding Mode. When exiting the Riding Mode, deal 256.29 % Fusion DMG to enemies in front. CD: 20s
Transform into Inferno Rider to launch up to 3 consecutive slashes in a row, each slash dealing 242.40 %, 282.80 %, and 282.80 % Fusion DMG respectively. After the final hit, increase the current character’s Fusion DMG by 12.00% and Basic Attack DMG by 12.00% for 15s. Long press the Echo Skill to transform into Inferno Rider and enter the Riding Mode. When exiting the Riding Mode, deal 282.80 % Fusion DMG to enemies in front. CD: 20s
Transform into Inferno Rider to perform consecutive strikes, dealing
Fusion DMG . Increase current character's
Fusion DMG and
Basic Attack DMG. Long press Echo Skill to enter the Riding Mode.
Other Languages [ ]
Language Official Name EnglishInferno Rider Chinese (S) 燎照之骑 Chinese (T) 燎照之騎 Japanese燎原の炎騎 Korean지옥불 기사 FrenchChevalier d'Inferno GermanHöllischer Reiter SpanishJinete Infiernal
Change History [ ]
Version 2.0
Nightmare version was added.
Version 1.4
Phantom appearance was added.
Version 1.0
Inferno Rider/Echo was released.
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