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Baizhi Sticker Slice of Life 01 08
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Investigate the theft of camp supplies is a Side Quest that occurs in Central Plains, Huanglong.


  1. Ask the soldier on the watchtower for details
  2. Report what you found to Beigu
  3. Search for clues
  4. Figure out what happened with Beigu
  5. Identify the Suspect
  6. Use the control panel to lower the water level
  7. Retrieve the lost supplies
  8. Return the supplies to Beigu


UI Quest Quest Description

Find out the whereabouts of the camp supplies
(Talk to Beigu)
Beigu: Rover? What a pleasant surprise. I've heard a lot about you!
Beigu: I'm Beigu, the captain of the camp. Currently caught up in an investigation regarding a theft case.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you need my help?
Beigu: Lollo Logistics regularly delivers supplies to the camp, covering all our needs. When they unloaded the supplies, the quantities matched our order perfectly.
Beigu: However, during the nightly inventory check, a team member responsible for counting noticed one box missing, though it was not something important.
Icon Dialogue Talk But we still need to figure out where it went.
Beigu: You're right. It's packed with everyone's favorite hometown dishes.
Beigu: To treat the soldiers here, I secretly asked Panhua to prepare a batch of pre-made dishes—
Icon Dialogue Talk Hey, stop!
Icon Dialogue Talk You're making me hungry.
Beigu: My apologies. It's been a while since I last visited Jinzhou. I miss the hometown dishes so much.
Beigu: Anyway, I hope you can keep our conversation between us. Unfortunately, I can't conduct the investigation myself.
Beigu: For the soldiers here, trust is often more valuable than their lives. It's built through shared experiences and overcoming challenges together. I don't want this incident to sow even the smallest seed of doubt.
Icon Dialogue Talk So you want me to find out the truth for you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's discuss my payment.
Beigu: As a token of gratitude, I'll treat you to a feast at Panhua's Restaurant.
Icon Dialogue Talk Deal!
Beigu: Without further ado, you can start by checking the guard post. Investigate the entry and exit records from yesterday afternoon until now.

(Ask the soldier on the watchtower for details)
Duying: Hi, Rover! What can I do for you?
Icon Dialogue Talk (Express your intention)
Duying: Oh, you want to look into the entry and exit records, huh?
Duying: Even though I just started this post this morning, I can check the duty log for you. It has all personnel entry and exit records. Just give me a moment.
Duying: Other than the Lollo Logistics delivery folks, there aren't any other entry and exit records.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why did you help me?
Icon Dialogue Talk Aren't you curious about why there's an investigation going on?
Duying: General Jiyan asked all members of the Midnight Rangers to assist you in any way possible.
Duying: So, whatever your reason is, I'm glad I can help you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Thank you.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're an honest person.

(Report what you found to Beigu)
Beigu: No one entered or left the camp.
Beigu: Maybe I should brace myself for the worst. If that's the case, the thief could only be someone from within the camp.
Beigu: While you were looking into the entry and exit records, I took the chance to review the surveillance footage from when the supplies were loaded and unloaded.
Beigu: Mingyi, Tianlang, and Wuheng were present throughout the entire process of loading, unloading, and stocking supplies. You might want to start with them to see if you can uncover any useful clues.
Beigu: Oh, by the way, the unloading area is a blind spot in the surveillance. Rover, you might discover some hidden clues there. I'm counting on you!

(Investigate shoeprints)
Heavy footsteps. The pace isn't far, as if the person was hauling something weighty.
The shoe prints at the heels show numerous cracks, signaling significant wear and tear at the back of the shoes. It suggests the person walked with a backward-leaning posture.
(Investigate box)
The supply box of Lollo Logistics. The moment it's opened, a pungent fragrance swarms out, but the box is disappointedly empty.
At the box's bottom, a faint sheen of oil lingers. The delightful scent... can't be mistaken! It's Panhua's Restaurant's Poached Chicken.
The more you inhale, the hungrier you become. It's probably wise to leave this spot promptly. Perhaps a chat with the nearby Midnight Rangers could shed light on any observations they've made.
(Inquire Wujing)
Wujing: Who the hell did this?
Icon Dialogue Talk What happened?
Wujing: Someone spilled the food along the way. The Gray Crested Gulls smelled it and came in swarms. I can't drive them away!
Wujing: It took me great effort to clean it up here. Look at what these birds did to me!
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you in charge here?
Wujing: Well, in that case, you should look for Mingyi. She's the one responsible for the storage area in the camp.
Wujing: Usually, Mingyi handles checking the inventory and stocking supplies, while Tianlang and Wuheng take care of loading and unloading supplies.
Wujing: Oh, you reminded me. I'll need to go ask Mingyi. I'll find out who did this!
(Inquire Mingyi)
Mingyi: Rover? Did Captain Beiwang send you over?
Mingyi: I reported the missing supplies. I stepped away for a moment during the stocking, and it happened.
Icon Dialogue Talk Did you leave for a moment?
Icon Dialogue Talk Where did you go?
Mingyi: I asked Tianlang to take over for me when I stepped away.
Mingyi: Tianlang and Duying can both vouch for me! I have an alibi!
Icon Dialogue Talk Why was Duying involved?
Mingyi: There was a package for Duying in the supplies, so... so I just happened to take it to him.
Mingyi: I had no other suspicious intentions! I promise!
Icon Dialogue Talk Oh, youth.
I'll go find Tianlang next.
(Inquire Tianlang)
Icon Dialogue Talk There's something I want to ask you.
Tianlang: Sorry, but I'm in the middle of counting the newly arrived field uniforms.
Icon Dialogue Talk Did they come with yesterday's supplies?
Tianlang: Indeed. The soldiers' field uniforms are regularly replaced. Some time ago, we collected applications for new uniforms, and some of the reasons on the applications were really... amusing.
Tianlang: There are reasons like pants torn by the fangs of a Sabyr Boar or a hat stolen by the Hoochiefs in the Dim Forest...
Tianlang: I've placed all those application forms on the table in the corner. If you're interested, you can take a look there.
Icon Dialogue Talk What happened during the stocking?
Tianlang: Mingyi left for another business for a little while, and during that time, I helped in counting the inventory.
Tianlang: Another team member, Wuheng, was responsible for loading and unloading the supplies outside the warehouse on her own. I didn't notice anything unusual in the warehouse.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe the application forms can be a breakthrough.
(Check the Supply Request Form)
Applicant: Duying
Request: Replacement of the upper garment
Reason: While rescuing a researcher kidnapped by the Exiles, the upper garment was pierced through by bullets.
Applicant: Kelin
Request: Replacement of the hat
Reason: Accidentally offended Gray Crested Gulls and therefore received their gifts dropping from the sky all the time.
Looks like Wujing is going to face some challenges too...
Applicant: Wuheng
Request: Replacement of the boots
Reason: Carrying heavy loads led to severe wear on the heels, causing frequent falls.
The description seems to align with the shoe print characteristics near the supply box. Just to be sure, go and confirm with the individual involved.
(Inquire Wuheng)
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Young Midnight Ranger: What... what can I do for you?
Icon Dialogue Talk The oil stains on your clothes...
Young Midnight Ranger: Ugh, I went back to Jinzhou not long ago. I accidentally splashed some on while eating at Panhua's Restaurant.
Icon Dialogue Talk No need to ask further.

(Figure out what happened with Beigu)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Tell Beigu your speculation)
Beigu: Well, I also have a preliminary speculation. Rover, who do you think took away the supplies?
Icon Dialogue Talk Mingyi
Beigu: It's a bit different from what I expected. Maybe it's someone else.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tianlang
Beigu: It's a bit different from what I expected. Maybe it's someone else.
Icon Dialogue Talk Wuheng
Beigu: Seems like we're on the same page. Let's go talk to Wuheng.

(Identify the Suspect)
Beigu: Wuheng, did you take the supplies away?
Beigu: I want to know your reasons for doing so.
Young Midnight Ranger: Captain... I was just trying to make up for my mistake.
Young Midnight Ranger: When unloading the supplies, I didn't secure the load properly, and I accidentally slipped, damaging the box. The dishes inside spilled out.
Young Midnight Ranger: When I discovered who the recipient was, I roughly guessed why you had prepared them.
Young Midnight Ranger: So, I wanted to go back to Jinzhou to replace those spilled dishes, and you caught me before I could leave.
Young Midnight Ranger: I put the remaining dishes in the refrigerator, right at the bottom of the reservoir! I didn't eat them alone! Please believe me!
Icon Dialogue Talk (Tell Beigu the information you found from the application form)
Beigu: Okay, I see. Rover, could you do me a favor and grab the refrigerator? I need to have a few words with Wuheng.

(Retrieve the lost supplies)
These must be the supplies Wuheng mentioned.
We should bring these over to Beigu!

(Return the supplies to Beigu)
Beigu: Rover, thank you for your help.
Icon Dialogue Talk About Wuheng...
Beigu: She left her hometown at a young age and has been stationed at the camp for years. No one ever taught her how to handle mistakes, which is why she dealt with them in such a straightforward way.
Beigu: As a soldier, she left her post without permission, trying to solve a problem that was beyond her ability. She should have placed more trust in her comrades. There's still much for her to learn.
Beigu: As for those spilled dishes, I'll let Wuheng make up for it by cooking them for us.
Beigu: Rover, when I return to Jinzhou, let's meet again at Panhua's Restaurant!
(Quest Complete)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishInvestigate the theft of camp supplies
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)调查营地配给失窃一事
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)調查營地配給失竊一事
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese駐屯地物資盗難の件について調べる
Emoji KO Flag  Korean주둔지 배급 도난 사건 조사
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchEnquêter sur le vol des provisions du camp
Emoji DE Flag  GermanUntersuche den Diebstahl von Lagerbeständen
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishInvestiga el robo de los suministros del campamento

Change History[]

