One of the Sentinels in Huanglong that takes the shape of Loong. With the ability to manipulate time, Jué guides the development of Jinzhou's civilization.
Jué (Chinese : 角 ) is a Calamity Class Weekly Boss in Wuthering Waves that can be found in Loong's Crest .
Drops [ ]
Claiming the rewards for Waveplate ×60 after defeating this boss offers the following possible drops:
Stats [ ]
Toggle Full Levels
Level Scaling Level HP ATK DEF Interruption Resistance Interruption Resistance Recover Vibration Strength Vibration Strength Recover Rage Rage Recover 1 2,060 53 800 0 0 125,200 0 200,000 0 2 2,169 58 808 0 0 131,860 0 210,639 0 3 2,279 63 816 0 0 138,533 0 221,300 0 4 2,279 68 824 0 0 138,533 0 221,300 0 5 2,279 73 832 0 0 138,533 0 221,300 0 6 2,389 79 840 0 0 145,219 0 231,980 0 7 2,499 84 848 0 0 151,905 0 242,660 0 8 2,609 90 856 0 0 158,590 0 253,340 0 9 2,719 95 864 0 0 165,289 0 264,040 0 10 2,829 101 872 0 0 171,987 0 274,740 0 11 3,086 107 880 0 0 187,612 0 299,700 0 12 3,202 113 888 0 0 194,660 0 310,960 0 13 3,326 119 896 0 0 202,198 0 323,000 0 14 3,450 125 903 0 0 209,735 0 335,040 0 15 3,583 131 911 0 0 217,772 0 347,880 0 16 3,731 138 919 0 0 226,774 0 362,260 0 17 3,887 144 927 0 0 236,289 0 377,460 0 18 4,044 151 936 0 0 245,792 0 392,640 0 19 4,216 157 944 0 0 256,284 0 409,400 0 20 5,016 164 952 0 0 304,912 0 487,080 0 21 5,926 222 960 0 0 360,187 0 575,380 0 22 6,308 230 968 0 0 383,425 0 612,500 0 23 6,623 238 976 0 0 402,543 0 643,040 0 24 6,892 247 984 0 0 418,906 0 669,180 0 25 7,746 256 992 0 0 470,814 0 752,100 0 26 8,035 265 1,000 0 0 488,355 0 780,120 0 27 9,171 274 1,008 0 0 557,427 0 890,460 0 28 10,388 283 1,016 0 0 631,383 0 1,008,600 0 29 11,029 293 1,024 0 0 670,345 0 1,070,840 0 30 12,095 303 1,032 0 0 735,124 0 1,174,320 0 31 13,177 313 1,040 0 0 800,879 0 1,279,360 0 32 14,181 323 1,048 0 0 861,926 0 1,376,880 0 33 15,200 334 1,056 0 0 923,850 0 1,475,800 0 34 16,271 345 1,064 0 0 988,917 0 1,579,740 0 35 17,359 356 1,072 0 0 1,055,060 0 1,685,400 0 36 18,394 368 1,080 0 0 1,117,935 0 1,785,840 0 37 19,463 380 1,088 0 0 1,182,939 0 1,889,680 0 38 20,548 392 1,096 0 0 1,248,895 0 1,995,039 0 39 21,649 404 1,104 0 0 1,315,776 0 2,101,880 0 40 22,789 416 1,112 0 0 1,385,062 0 2,212,560 0 41 22,957 520 1,120 0 0 1,395,253 0 2,228,840 0 42 24,579 535 1,128 0 0 1,493,873 0 2,386,380 0 43 26,151 552 1,136 0 0 1,589,426 0 2,539,020 0 44 27,755 568 1,144 0 0 1,686,907 0 2,694,740 0 45 29,356 585 1,152 0 0 1,784,212 0 2,850,180 0 46 31,041 601 1,160 0 0 1,886,601 0 3,013,740 0 47 33,496 618 1,168 0 0 2,035,802 0 3,252,080 0 48 35,977 635 1,176 0 0 2,186,592 0 3,492,960 0 49 38,503 653 1,184 0 0 2,340,138 0 3,738,239 0 50 42,420 718 1,192 0 0 2,578,193 0 4,118,520 0 51 47,244 821 1,200 0 0 2,871,361 0 4,586,840 0 52 51,349 842 1,208 0 0 3,120,860 0 4,985,400 0 53 55,499 862 1,216 0 0 3,373,050 0 5,388,260 0 54 59,998 883 1,224 0 0 3,646,487 0 5,825,060 0 55 63,684 905 1,232 0 0 3,870,532 0 6,182,960 0 56 66,872 928 1,240 0 0 4,064,317 0 6,492,520 0 57 70,448 948 1,248 0 0 4,281,652 0 6,839,700 0 58 75,509 969 1,256 0 0 4,589,243 0 7,331,059 0 59 81,026 993 1,264 0 0 4,924,541 0 7,866,679 0 60 84,296 1,020 1,272 0 0 5,123,246 0 8,184,099 0 61 89,153 1,338 1,280 0 0 5,418,443 0 8,655,660 0 62 96,394 1,420 1,288 0 0 5,858,558 0 9,358,720 0 63 103,192 1,507 1,296 0 0 6,271,718 0 10,018,720 0 64 110,877 1,599 1,304 0 0 6,738,752 0 10,764,780 0 65 122,445 1,676 1,312 0 0 7,441,850 0 11,887,940 0 66 131,625 1,732 1,320 0 0 7,999,791 0 12,779,220 0 67 140,016 1,792 1,328 0 0 8,509,743 0 13,593,840 0 68 150,347 1,857 1,336 0 0 9,137,609 0 14,596,820 0 69 159,994 1,922 1,344 0 0 9,723,958 0 15,533,480 0 70 169,428 1,990 1,352 0 0 10,297,311 0 16,449,380 0 71 181,426 2,237 1,360 0 0 11,026,514 0 17,614,240 0 72 197,374 2,313 1,368 0 0 11,995,750 0 19,162,540 0 73 214,164 2,382 1,376 0 0 13,016,205 0 20,792,660 0 74 230,959 2,455 1,384 0 0 14,036,973 0 22,423,280 0 75 250,440 2,530 1,392 0 0 15,220,927 0 24,314,580 0 76 267,626 2,608 1,400 0 0 16,265,483 0 25,983,200 0 77 281,185 2,689 1,408 0 0 17,089,537 0 27,299,579 0 78 295,134 2,805 1,416 0 0 17,937,303 0 28,653,840 0 79 309,489 2,884 1,424 0 0 18,809,747 0 30,047,519 0 80 322,128 2,966 1,432 0 0 19,577,937 0 31,274,660 0 81 335,788 3,215 1,440 0 0 20,408,088 0 32,600,779 0 82 354,638 3,261 1,448 0 0 21,553,743 0 34,430,900 0 83 377,178 3,280 1,456 0 0 22,923,694 0 36,619,320 0 84 402,166 3,327 1,464 0 0 24,442,357 0 39,045,300 0 85 428,831 3,373 1,472 0 0 26,062,984 0 41,634,160 0 86 456,086 3,392 1,480 0 0 27,719,430 0 44,280,240 0 87 475,890 3,439 1,488 0 0 28,923,065 0 46,202,980 0 88 496,759 3,485 1,496 0 0 30,191,391 0 48,229,060 0 89 518,044 3,504 1,504 0 0 31,485,045 0 50,295,600 0 90 540,968 3,551 1,512 0 0 32,878,258 0 52,521,180 0 91 568,460 3,551 1,520 0 0 34,549,127 0 55,190,300 0 92 597,105 3,551 1,528 0 0 36,290,121 0 57,971,439 0 93 621,649 3,551 1,536 0 0 37,781,804 0 60,354,319 0 94 642,336 3,551 1,544 0 0 39,039,062 0 62,362,720 0 95 658,148 3,551 1,552 0 0 40,000,122 0 63,897,960 0 96 681,806 3,551 1,560 0 0 41,437,932 0 66,194,780 0 97 701,073 3,551 1,568 0 0 42,608,940 0 68,065,400 0 98 717,985 3,551 1,576 0 0 43,636,769 0 69,707,300 0 99 734,910 3,551 1,584 0 0 44,665,413 0 71,350,500 0 100 750,765 3,551 1,592 0 0 45,629,052 0 72,889,860 0 101 792,807 3,551 1,600 0 0 48,184,209 0 76,971,580 0 102 797,937 3,551 1,607 0 0 48,495,982 0 77,469,620 0 103 803,066 3,551 1,616 0 0 48,807,755 0 77,967,660 0 104 808,196 3,551 1,623 0 0 49,119,528 0 78,465,700 0 105 813,326 3,551 1,632 0 0 49,431,301 0 78,963,740 0 106 818,456 3,551 1,639 0 0 49,743,074 0 79,461,780 0 107 823,586 3,551 1,648 0 0 50,054,847 0 79,959,820 0 108 828,715 3,551 1,655 0 0 50,366,620 0 80,457,860 0 109 833,845 3,551 1,664 0 0 50,678,393 0 80,955,900 0 110 838,975 3,551 1,672 0 0 50,990,166 0 81,453,940 0 111 844,105 3,551 1,680 0 0 51,301,939 0 81,951,980 0 112 849,235 3,551 1,688 0 0 51,613,712 0 82,450,020 0 113 854,365 3,551 1,696 0 0 51,925,485 0 82,948,060 0 114 859,494 3,551 1,704 0 0 52,237,258 0 83,446,100 0 115 864,624 3,551 1,712 0 0 52,549,031 0 83,944,140 0 116 869,754 3,551 1,720 0 0 52,860,804 0 84,442,180 0 117 874,884 3,551 1,728 0 0 53,172,577 0 84,940,220 0 118 880,014 3,551 1,736 0 0 53,484,350 0 85,438,260 0 119 885,143 3,551 1,744 0 0 53,796,123 0 85,936,300 0 120 890,273 3,551 1,752 0 0 54,107,896 0 86,434,340 0
Tutorial [ ]
Jué Phase 1.
Jinhsi can't move normally during Time Stop. In this situation, use the
Stellar Movement Points generated by Sentinel Jué to move.
Phase 1.
Jinhsi can't move normally during Time Stop. In this situation, use the
Stellar Movement Points generated by Sentinel Jué to move.
Description [ ]
This enemy has higher RES to Spectro DMG , and higher RES to Electro DMG . One of the Sentinels of Huanglong, taking the shape of a Loong. The guiding force behind Jinzhou's civilization. A majestic "deity" with unquestionable power, omniscient of Jinzhou's past, present, and future. Jué, the wielder of time's flow, sees eons as mere moments. In an instant, Jué can change the universe forever. "Seasons shift by decree, and all beings abide by their laws. Such is the nature of the universe."
Description When Discovered
Other Languages [ ]
Language Official Name EnglishJué Chinese (S) 角 Chinese (T) 角 Japanese角 カク Korean뿔 FrenchJiao GermanJué SpanishJué
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Warning: Display title "Jué (Boss)" overrides earlier display title "Jué".