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Lazing Around Researcher is an NPC in Wenye Beach, Dim Forest, Huanglong.

Quests and Events[]

Side Quests


Lazing Around Researcher: This is so exhausting. Another overtime session... I want to go home. Ah! Who are you? What did you hear?
Icon Dialogue Talk Nothing.
Lazing Around Researcher: Really? Did you hear anything?
Lazing Around Researcher: Phew... Great. I wasn't doing anything, just enjoying the scenery and the breezes, while waiting for my mushroom soup.
Icon Dialogue Talk Someone slacking off.
Lazing Around Researcher: Wh, what? I, I wasn't!
Lazing Around Researcher: I was taking some reasonable rest!
Lazing Around Researcher: The reasonable rest is an art. An art that allows you to respond to whatever you are called upon immediately.
Lazing Around Researcher: The reasonable rest is a precondition for the research to progress, and an assurance of its stability.
Lazing Around Researcher: To say the least, I wasn't doing anything, just enjoying the scenery and the breezes, while waiting for my mushroom soup.
Icon Dialogue Talk There's nothing in this pot.
Lazing Around Researcher: What? I cooked a lot of mushrooms. Wait.
Lazing Around Researcher: Call a doctor for me, a doctor...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishLazing Around Researcher
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)摸鱼的研究员
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)摸魚的研究員
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese油を売っている研究員
Emoji KO Flag  Korean열일 하지않는 연구원
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchChercheur paresseux
Emoji DE Flag  GermanFaulenzender Forscher
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishInvestigador Perezoso

Change History[]
