Liondance Companion is special dish supply that player has a chance to obtain by cooking Jinzhou Skewers with Lingyang.
Liondance Companion increase all party members' ATK by 120, lasting for 15m. This has no effect for other players in co-op mode.
Cook with  Lingyang |
|  | 1 Liondance Companion |
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Liondance Companion |
Chinese (S) | 观剧搭档 |
Chinese (T) | 觀劇搭檔 |
Japanese | ピッタリなおやつ |
Korean | 고기 야채 꼬치구이 |
French | Partenair de visionnage de drames |
German | Löwentanz-Begleiter |
Spanish | Compañero de la Danza del león |
Change History[]
Supplies |
| |
| |
Medicine |
| Energy Bag | |
| Nutrient Block | |
| Resistance Spray | |
| Revival Inhaler | |
| Petrol | |
| Solvent | |
| Tablets | |