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Lollo Campaign: Navigation VI is a Side Quest that occurs in Jinzhou, Huanglong.


  1. Chat with Maji about today's business
  2. Arrive at the Port City of Guixu outskirts
  3. Use the sensor to collect plant samples
    1. Collect Bell Poppy in the Port City of Guixu
    2. Collect Lemongrass in the Port City of Guixu
  4. Deliver the plant samples


UI Quest Quest Description

Lollo Navigator is currently undergoing maintenance and needs reference information. Some of the items you've collected might help Maji resolve the issue...
(Talk to Maji)
Maji: We're temporarily suspending all trial runs for today, Rover. We need to do some maintenance on "Lollo Navigator"!
Icon Dialogue Talk Servers are down.
Maji: Well... in a way, yes, but it's only temporary. We need to recalibrate the dynamic map info of "Lollo Navigator" after its long trial run.
Icon Dialogue Talk A system-wide crash?
Maji: No, no, no. We just need to recalibrate the dynamic map info of "Lollo Navigator" after its long trial run.
Maji: We need to ensure everything's accurate and on time. Now that you're here, why not help me find a few things as references for the information?
Icon Dialogue Talk References?
Maji: You know, besides road conditions, things like plants, animals, minerals, their growth cycles, and their environments are also key references for dynamic information.
Maji: The objects I need are sent to your Terminal. Good luck out there!

(Talk to Maji)
Deliver the requested items
Maji: Really appreciate the hard work. These reference objects will definitely come in handy. Here's your pay for today, you earned it.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishLollo Campaign: Navigation VI
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)呜呜导航企划・六
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)嗚嗚導航企劃・六
Emoji JA Flag  Japaneseブブナビ企画・六
Emoji KO Flag  Korean무무 내비게이션 기획 ・Ⅵ
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchProjet Loulou : Navigation VI
Emoji DE Flag  GermanLollo-Kampagne: Navigation VI
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishCampaña Lollo: Navegación VI

Change History[]

