Lumiscale Construct
Transform into a Lumiscale Construct and enter a Parry Stance. If you are not attacked during the Parry Stance, slash to deal 397.90 % Glacio DMG when the stance finishes. If attacked, counterattack instantly, dealing 397.90 %+198.95 % Glacio DMG . When hit with a Special Skill attack while in the Parry Stance, break the Special Skill and counterattack, dealing 397.90 %+198.95 % Glacio DMG . CD: 15s
Transform into a Lumiscale Construct and enter a Parry Stance. If you are not attacked during the Parry Stance, slash to deal 449.80 % Glacio DMG when the stance finishes. If attacked, counterattack instantly, dealing 449.80 %+224.90 % Glacio DMG . When hit with a Special Skill attack while in the Parry Stance, break the Special Skill and counterattack, dealing 449.80 %+224.90 % Glacio DMG . CD: 15s
Transform into a Lumiscale Construct and enter a Parry Stance. If you are not attacked during the Parry Stance, slash to deal 501.70 % Glacio DMG when the stance finishes. If attacked, counterattack instantly, dealing 501.70 %+250.85 % Glacio DMG . When hit with a Special Skill attack while in the Parry Stance, break the Special Skill and counterattack, dealing 501.70 %+250.85 % Glacio DMG . CD: 15s
Transform into a Lumiscale Construct and enter a Parry Stance. If you are not attacked during the Parry Stance, slash to deal 553.60 % Glacio DMG when the stance finishes. If attacked, counterattack instantly, dealing 553.60 %+276.80 % Glacio DMG . When hit with a Special Skill attack while in the Parry Stance, break the Special Skill and counterattack, dealing 553.60 %+276.80 % Glacio DMG . CD: 15s
Transform into a Lumiscale Construct and enter a Parry Stance. When attacked, perform a Counterattack. If you parry a Special Skill attack, interrupt it and deal extra damage.
Lumiscale Construct is a/an Elite Class Echo .
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