Wuthering Waves Wiki

The special supply pack issued by the Store. It is delivered to the customer by Lollo Logistics.


Lv.80 Supply Pack is one of a total of 10 Lv. Supply Packs in Wuthering Waves.


How to Obtain[]

Lv.80 Supply Pack becomes obtainable upon reaching Union Level 80. It can then be redeemed from the Store's Bundles section for free.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishLv.80 Supply Pack
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)Lv.80 特供补给包
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)Lv.80 特供補給包
Emoji JA Flag  JapaneseLv.80特別補給パック
Emoji KO Flag  KoreanLv.80 특별 보급 패키지
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchPack de fourniture Nv.80
Emoji DE Flag  GermanVersorgungspaket St. 80
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishPaquete de suministros de Nv.80

Change History[]

