Wuthering Waves Wiki

A common polygonal Tacet Core with an intricate, terraced pattern. The spiral structure is fairly complete. Seems to be an analog circuit recording the behavioral patterns of a Tacet Discord.

MF Polygon Core is a Weapon and Skill Material obtainable from Clamorings or Tranquilites.

Dropped By[]

4 Elite Class Enemies drop MF Polygon Core:

Carapace Lv. 1+ Carapace

8 Common Class Enemies drop MF Polygon Core:

Fusion Prism Lv. 1+ Fusion Prism
Glacio Prism Lv. 1+ Glacio Prism
Havoc Prism Lv. 1+ Havoc Prism
Lottie Lost Lv. 1+ Lottie Lost


Icon Synthesize Recipe
MF Polygon Core 1 MF Polygon Core

Craft Usage[]

There is 1 Item that can be crafted using MF Polygon Core:

Item Craft Type Recipe
MF Polygon Core 3 MF Polygon Core

Ascension Usage[]

1 Resonator uses MF Polygon Core for ascension:

CarlottaGlacio Carlotta

No Weapons use MF Polygon Core for ascension.

Skill Leveling Usage[]

1 Resonator uses MF Polygon Core for leveling their Skills:

CarlottaGlacio Carlotta

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishMF Polygon Core
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)中频聚方声核
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)中頻聚方聲核
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese中音・螺旋音核
Emoji KO Flag  Korean중주파수 취합 성핵
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchNoyau polygonal MF
Emoji DE Flag  GermanMF Polygon-Kern
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishNúcleo poligonal medio

Change History[]

