Wuthering Waves Wiki

An ordinary fruit that somehow bears a striking resemblance to the old model of Tacetite Grenade. This is not an indigenous species, as its growth conditions don't agree with the climate of Jinzhou. It's imported by water via the Gunchao Port located in the South.

Mangosteen is a quest item from Wuthering Waves obtained from Echoing Marche.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishMangosteen
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)莽吉柿
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)莽吉柿
Emoji JA Flag  Japaneseマンゴスチン
Emoji KO Flag  Korean망고스틴
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchMangoustan
Emoji DE Flag  GermanMangostane
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishMangostán

Change History[]

