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I knew a couple of researchers from the New Federation. Their worship of technology was fanatical, and it was exactly this fanaticism that clouded their judgment. They believed technological progress was an end in itself, rather than a means for achieving something else. As creators, we must recognize exactly what we are building, and for what purpose.

New Federation is one of the six nations on Solaris-3.


Playable Resonators[]

5 Resonators match the category selection:

Icon Name Rarity Attribute Weapon Birthplace Class Type
Aalto Icon Aalto Icon 4 Stars Aero Pistols New Federation Congenital Playable
Calcharo Icon Calcharo Icon 5 Stars Electro Broadblade New Federation Natural Playable
Encore Icon Encore Icon 5 Stars Fusion Rectifier New Federation Congenital Playable
Mortefi Icon Mortefi Icon 4 Stars Fusion Pistols New Federation Mutant Playable
Verina Icon Verina Icon 5 Stars Spectro Rectifier New Federation Congenital Playable

Upcoming Resonators[]

No Resonators match the category selection.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishNew Federation
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)新联邦
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)新聯邦
Emoji JA Flag  Japaneseネオユニオン
Emoji KO Flag  Korean 연방
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchFédération nouvelle
Emoji DE Flag  GermanNeue Föderation
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishNueva Federación

Change History[]

