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OverviewInteractive Map

Ragunna City is a Region located in Rinascita. Ragunna City, the administrative center of the Ragunna city-state in southern Rinascita, is a thriving port city by the sea, its districts linked by winding waterways. It is also the city with the strongest link to the Sentinel, thus the Ragunnesi are devout followers of the Sentinel, Imperator, and believe Common Echoes to be gifts from the Sentinel carrying Their divine will.

Points of Interest[]

Name Description
Ragunna Bank
Ragunna's Bank
When it comes to personal finances, most people handle their money through the wealthy Montelli family's prominent bank service.


The Order of the Deep[]

The Order of the Deep handle various affairs, from city management, diplomacy and overseeing all Common Echoes. They have declared themselves Imperator's earthly emissaries, ensuring the people remain faithful to Their(Imperator's) divine will. The Order of the Deep's leader is known as the Primus, and the order's current Primus, Fenrico, has declared himself to be Imperator's "Enlightened One". Serving beneath the Primus, Priests oversee the rites and sacred duties of the Order, while the Acolytes dedicate their lives to the study of the Codex and spreading Imperator's teachings throughout Ragunna. The armed Common Echoes that only respond to the Order are called the La Guardia. In Ragunna, the Order controls all Terminals for Echo use. They store Echoes in their Data Bank and only grant access after thorough screening, thus only a select few Resonators are permitted to carry a Pangu Terminal of their own, deemed Reserved Terminals in Ragunna. For that reason, most Ragunnesi rely on the Genesis Nexus and Common Echoes, and do not know much of other Echoes, referred to as Reserved Echoes.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishRagunna
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)拉古那
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)拉古那
Emoji JA Flag  Japaneseラグーナ
Emoji KO Flag  Korean라군나
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchRagunna
Emoji DE Flag  GermanRagunna
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishRagunna

Change History[]


  1. Side Quest (Event):Ragunna Sales Blitz! (Quest)

