Wuthering Waves Wiki

Ration Bar is a special dish supply that the player has a chance of obtaining when using Calcharo to cook Food Ration Bar.

Ration Bar increases the DEF of all Resonators in the team by 36% for 15 minutes. In multiplayer games, it only affects your own characters.


Cook with Calcharo Calcharo
Icon Cooking Recipe
Ration Bar 1 Ration Bar

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishRation Bar
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)能量饼干
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)能量餅乾
Emoji JA Flag  Japaneseエネルギークッキー
Emoji KO Flag  Korean에너지 쿠키
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchBiscuit d'energie
Emoji DE Flag  GermanRationsriegel
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishRación de marcha

Change History[]

