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Wuthering Waves Wiki

SOL3 Phase Ascension: Phase III is a Tutorial Quest that occurs in Jinzhou, Huanglong.


  1. Head to the Nexus Beacon in Jinzhou
  2. Complete the Phase Ascension Trial


UI Quest Quest Description

Your Terminal has received similar signals again. Maybe the Nexus Beacon can help you decipher the information contained within.
???: Hello, Rover.
???: The system has concluded that you have explored this realm and honed your physical and mental capabilities.
???: As instructed, I will set up a test for you in the Jinzhou wilderness.
???: Once you pass the test, a key to the unknown will reveal itself to you.
???: The responses you provide could potentially shape the future of SOL-3.
???: I hope you will enjoy your journey.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishSOL3 Phase Ascension: Phase III
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)索拉等阶突破・三级
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)索拉等階突破・三級
Emoji JA Flag  Japaneseソラランク突破・3
Emoji KO Flag  Korean솔라리스 랭크 돌파 Rank3
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchAscension de Phase SOL3 : III
Emoji DE Flag  GermanSOL3 Phasenaufstieg: Phase III
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishAscensión de la Fase de SOL3: Fase III

Change History[]

