Salted Milk Tea is a Dish Supply player can cook.
Obtain 25% more Shell Credits when defeating enemies in the overworld, lasting for 30m. Only effective on your own Resonators in Co-op Mode.
If Camellya cooks this dish, there's a chance Iced Grape Tea will be made instead of Salted Milk Tea.
Cook |
|  | 1 Salted Milk Tea |
Shop Availability[]
No Shops sell Salted Milk Tea.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Salted Milk Tea |
Chinese (S) | 咸奶茶 |
Chinese (T) | 鹹奶茶 |
Japanese | 岩塩ミルクティー |
Korean | 솔티밀크티 |
French | Thé au lait salé |
German | Gesalzener Milchtee |
Spanish | Té con leche salada |
Change History[]
Supplies |
| |
| |
Medicine |
| Energy Bag | |
| Nutrient Block | |
| Resistance Spray | |
| Revival Inhaler | |
| Petrol | |
| Solvent | |
| Tablets | |