Wuthering Waves Wiki

Salted Milk Tea is a Dish Supply player can cook.

Obtain 25% more Shell Credits when defeating enemies in the overworld, lasting for 30m. Only effective on your own Resonators in Co-op Mode.

If Camellya cooks this dish, there's a chance Iced Grape Tea will be made instead of Salted Milk Tea.


Tea 3 Tea
Milk 3 Milk
Salt 3 Salt
Icon Cooking Recipe
Salted Milk Tea 1 Salted Milk Tea

Shop Availability[]

No Shops sell Salted Milk Tea.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishSalted Milk Tea
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)咸奶茶
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)鹹奶茶
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese岩塩ミルクティー
Emoji KO Flag  Korean솔티밀크티
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchThé au lait salé
Emoji DE Flag  GermanGesalzener Milchtee
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishTé con leche salada

Change History[]

