Wuthering Waves Wiki

Gameplay Notes[]

Variant 1[]


  1. Rescue the stray cat
  2. Bring the stray cat to Xiaoju


UI Quest Quest Description

You find another stray cat. Please rescue it and bring it to Xiaoju.
Xiaoju (Contacting): Rover, sorry for bothering you. Can I ask you a favor?
Xiaoju (Contacting): A friend of mine told me he'd been having a bit of a problem with the stray cats in the neighborhood lately. They'd been keeping him awake at night...
Xiaoju (Contacting): Could you help me catch that cat? You're the best cat-catcher I know. Here's the address if you've got the time!
Xiaoju (Contacting): After you've got him, bring him to my place and I'll give him a warm home to stay! Thanks!

Kitten: Meow...
Icon Dialogue Talk Meow twice if you want to come with me.
Kitten: ...Meow.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm not taking no for an answer... You're coming with me!

Xiaoju: Rover, you're here! How did it go?
Icon Dialogue Talk Nothing I can't handle.
Xiaoju: Wow. Isn't he a cutie? His fur is so pretty!
Xiaoju: Hey there, sweetie... Hmm... You don't have a name yet, do you? Rover, do the honors!
Icon Dialogue Talk Dingchun.
Xiaoju: Okay. Hello, Dingchun! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!
Icon Dialogue Talk Xixi.
Xiaoju: Okay. Hello, Xixi! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!
Icon Dialogue Talk Insomniac.
Xiaoju: Why did you pick that one?
Icon Dialogue Talk Because he's always acting up late at night and giving people insomnia.
Xiaoju: ...I'm sold!
Xiaoju: Okay. Hello, Insomniac! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!

Variant 2[]


  1. Rescue the stray cat
  2. Defeat the TDs
  3. Take away the stray cat
  4. Bring the stray cat to Xiaoju


UI Quest Quest Description

You find another stray cat. Please rescue it and bring it to Xiaoju.
Xiaoju (Contacting): Rover, sorry for bothering you. Can I ask you a favor?
Xiaoju (Contacting): A frequent customer of mine just gave me a call about a stray cat that's being surrounded by Tacet Discords on his way back to the city. It got me really worried...
Xiaoju (Contacting): Can you help me save that stray cat? Here are the coordinates if you got the time!
Xiaoju (Contacting): After you've got him, bring him to my place and I'll give him a warm home to stay! Thanks!

Xiaoju: Rover, you're here! How did it go?
Icon Dialogue Talk No sweat.
Xiaoju: Good... Only a few scratches. Good thing you got there in time!
Xiaoju: Rover, as usual. You should give him a name!
Icon Dialogue Talk Kuku.
Xiaoju: Hello, Kuku! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!
Icon Dialogue Talk Jinhu.
Xiaoju: Hello, Jinhu! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!
Icon Dialogue Talk Crybaby.
Xiaoju: Why did you pick that one?
Icon Dialogue Talk He was crying a river when I found him.
Xiaoju: ...I'm sold!
Xiaoju: Hello, Crybaby! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!

Variant 3[]


  1. Rescue the stray cat
  2. Talk to rescue team member
  3. Take away the stray cat
  4. Bring the stray cat to Xiaoju


UI Quest Quest Description

The Kitty Rescue Team encountered difficulties during the process of rescuing cats. Please help the team and bring the stray cat to Xiaoju.
Xiaoju (Contacting): Rover, sorry for bothering you. Can I ask you a favor?
Xiaoju (Contacting): There's been an increase in people asking me to help catch stray cats for them. So... I've made the decision to establish the Kitty Rescue Team!
Xiaoju (Contacting): However, the rescue team's caught up in something right now. So I'm turning to you.
Xiaoju (Contacting): I've sent you the coordinates. As usual, bring those furballs to me after you catch them. My thanks in advance!

???: *inhale* ...Hmm...
Icon Dialogue Talk Hello...
???: Oh! You must be Rover who's here to support the Kitty Rescue Team!
Icon Dialogue Talk That's me. Where's the rest of the team?
???: Ah! I am the Kitty Rescue Team!
Luyu: My name is Lu-Kitty-Conqueror-Chosen-by-the-Mysterious-One-Yu. Xiaoju is my better half, and I'm just about to carry out the Kitty Rescue Project! You don't say, your title fits you really well!
Icon Dialogue Talk I didn't quite catch all of that. C-Can you repeat your name again?
Luyu: My name is Lu-Kitty-Conqueror-Chosen-by-the-Mysterious-One-Yu.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Thank you. I guess...
Luyu: Have a look yourself. Our target is on top of that street lamp! There's no way I can get up there, so I had no choice but to request for backup from the H.Q.
Luyu: She's all yours. Rover! Roll out!

You catch the stray cat without breaking a sweat.
Luyu: Great work! You made it look so easy! Let's bring her back to Xiaoju!

Xiaoju: Rover, you're here! How did it go?
Icon Dialogue Talk It was a walk in the park.
Luyu:It was a walk in the park!
Xiaoju: Good to hear! Rover, as always. Naming time!
Icon Dialogue Talk Luoluo.
Xiaoju: Hello, Luoluo! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!
Icon Dialogue Talk Momo.
Xiaoju: Hello, Momo! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!
Icon Dialogue Talk Ol' Climber.
Xiaoju: Why did you pick that one?
Luyu Well, it's because she was sitting on top of a street lamp when we found her! She sure knows how to get to high places!
Xiaoju: ...I'm sold!
Xiaoju: Hello, Ol' Climber! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!

Variant 4[]


  1. Rescue the stray cat
  2. Talk to onlookers
  3. Bring the stray cat to Xiaoju


UI Quest Quest Description

You find another stray cat. Please rescue it and bring it to Xiaoju.
Xiaoju (Contacting): Rover, sorry for bothering you. Can I ask you a favor?
Xiaoju (Contacting): We've got a request for another cat, but the team is being questioned at the Patrol Station after being mistaken for cat thieves during their mission yesterday.
Xiaoju (Contacting): So, we'd have to count on you to fetch the cat.
Xiaoju (Contacting): I've sent you the coordinates. As usual, bring them to me once you get a hold of them. Much appreciated!

You see a few newborn kittens huddle together, and their mother stands nearby as if she knows why you came.
Informant: You must be from the Kitty Rescue Team? I was the one who provided the lead about the mother cat. The kittens have arrived so early and the mother didn't even run away this time.
Bystander: I have some food with me. We should give them something to eat.
Informant: Can I take these two home with me? They would be the perfect company for my cat at my place. It'll make it easier for Xiaoju, too.
Bystander: I'll take this one. It's been licking my hand the whole time. So cute!
Icon Dialogue Talk Okay, then I'll take the last one.
Informant: Thank you everyone!

Xiaoju: Rover, you're here! How did it go?
Icon Dialogue Talk It was a walk in the park.
Xiaoju: Good to hear! Rover, as always. Naming time!
Icon Dialogue Talk Caramel.
Xiaoju: Hello, Caramel! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!
Icon Dialogue Talk Coffee.
Xiaoju: Hello, Coffee! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!
Icon Dialogue Talk Academician.
Xiaoju: Oh? Is it because you found her next to the Academy?
Icon Dialogue Talk That's right!
Xiaoju: ...I'm sold!
Xiaoju: Hello, Academician! From now on, this is your new home. I'll make sure you feel real comfy!

Variant 5[]


  1. Go to the restaurant
  2. Give two Noctemint to Xiaoju


UI Quest Quest Description

The Cat's favorite Noctemint is out of stock. Please bring some to Xiaoju.
Xiaoju (Contacting): Rover, sorry for bothering you. Can I ask you a favor?
Xiaoju (Contacting): We've run out of Noctemints at the restaurant and it's rush hour. So could you bring some for the little ones? Also, come pay them a visit while you're here!
Xiaoju (Contacting): If you don't have any on you at the moment. I believe you can find some next to the waterfall by heading east from the shop.
Xiaoju (Contacting): We're counting on you, Rover!

(Go to the restaurant)
Xiaoju: Rover, you're here! Did you go see the cuties?
Icon Dialogue Talk I did. They're well taken care of.
Xiaoju: Hehe... Easy-peasy. It's what we do here. I'll look after them as always.
Xiaoju: Right, how about those Noctemints? They've been really into that stuff lately.

(Give two Noctemint to Xiaoju)
Xiaoju: Fantastic. These should be more than enough! Thanks for your hard work!
Xiaoju: Well, you've come all this way. How about something to eat? It's on the house! Give my culinary skills a taste!
Xiaoju: If you're not in a hurry, you can also stay and play with the cats a bit more!

Variant 6[]


  1. Go to the restaurant
  2. Feed any cat in the store


UI Quest Quest Description

The Cat's food stock is running low. Please help feed the cat.
Xiaoju (Contacting): Rover, sorry for bothering you. Can I ask you a favor?
Xiaoju (Contacting): The customers ordered all the meat and I've got none to spare for the kitties. Do you mind bringing over some meat for them? I am in your debt!
(Go to the restaurant)

(Feed any cat in the store)

Variant 7[]


  1. Go to the restaurant
  2. Talk to Xiaoju


UI Quest Quest Description

You've rescued many stray cats. Please go to Xiaoju's Restaurant to see how they are doing.
Xiaoju: Hello, Rover. It’s been a while. How have you been?
Xiaoju: Don’t worry. No cat-finding today!
Xiaoju: We want to ask if you’d like to visit us today. The kitties all miss you!
Xiaoju: Come to the shop when you’ve got the time. We’ll be right here!
Luyu: It’s a long-awaited party!
Xiaoju: Luyu! Don’t talk over my call!

Xiaoju: I've never seen them get this excited before.
Luyu: Well, Rover was the one that rescued all of them and even comes to visit every now and then. Of course, they love (‍himhim/herher‍).
Icon Dialogue Talk They all look very happy and in good shape.
Xiaoju: Yes, the ones that were injured are now fully recovered.
Xiaoju: The skinny and startled kittens have also made themselves comfortable and are all growing healthily.
Luyu: Rover, the rescue team was able to save so many cats and earn its name all thanks to you!
Luyu: You are our key supporter of the Kitty Rescue Project. Please allow me to appoint you as Captain of the Kitty Rescue Team!
Icon Dialogue Talk Wait. Aren't you the captain?
Luyu: I'm the Vice-Captain! I shall become invincible under the protection of the Captain's formidable powers!
Icon Dialogue Talk All right!
Luyu: Bravo! My love! My best buddy! Our work of saving cats continues!
Xiaoju: Okay, okay, Captain, Vice-Captain, please mind your feet. There’s a little one trying to sneak out under you.
Luyu: Huh?!
(Quest Complete)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishSave the World? Save the Cat!
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)拯救世界?拯救猫咪!
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)拯救世界?拯救貓咪!
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese世界を救う?猫を救う!
Emoji KO Flag  Korean세상을 구하라고? 고양이를 구할 거야!
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchSauvez le monde ? Sauvez le chat !
Emoji DE Flag  GermanWeltrettung? Rettung der Katzen!
Emoji ES Flag  Spanish¿Salvar el mundo? ¡Salva al gato!

Change History[]

