Wuthering Waves Wiki
Wuthering Waves Wiki
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This page contains information about a past event that may or may not return in a future version.

The Second Coming of Solaris, written by Karl from the New Federation, has gained widespread popularity and continues to sell exceptionally well across the globe. The book is not only highly imaginative but also provides valuable insights into geography and history, offering a rigorous worldview. The Pioneer Association has recently obtained the game adaptation rights of The Second Coming of Solaris, but they appear to be facing challenges and are seeking your aid.

Second Coming of Solaris is an In-Game Event in Version 1.0.

Event Details[]


  • 2024/06/13 04:00 - 2024/06/27 03:59



  • Every day, Maqi will issue commissions for certain items. Deliver the requested items to obtain rewards.

Event Rewards[]

Objective Rewards
Complete quest Specialty Drinks
Astrite 60
Advanced Resonance Potion 4
Medium Energy Core 5
Complete quest Sea of Flowers in the Valley
Astrite 60
Advanced Energy Core 4
Shell Credit 30,000
Complete quest Golden Insect
Astrite 60
Advanced Sealed Tube 4
Medium Resonance Potion 5
Complete quest Crownless?
Astrite 60
Advanced Resonance Potion 4
Shell Credit 30,000
Complete quest Unforgettable Dishes
Astrite 60
Advanced Energy Core 4
Medium Sealed Tube 5
Complete quest Mithril
Astrite 60
Advanced Sealed Tube 4
Shell Credit 30,000
Complete quest Burning Jade of Light
Astrite 60
Advanced Resonance Potion 4
Medium Energy Core 5

Pioneer Podcast Quests[]

This event added additional "Seasonal Specials" Pioneer Podcast quests to the Pioneer Podcast 2024-05-23. The Podcast Experience (Podcast EXP) obtained from these quests is not counted in the weekly experience limit.

QuestsPodcast Experience Podcast EXP
Complete all quests in the Second Coming of Solaris2,000

Total Rewards[]

Astrite 420 Astrite
Shell Credit 90,000 Shell Credit

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishSecond Coming of Solaris
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)第二索拉
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)第二索拉
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese第二ソラリス
Emoji KO Flag  Korean세컨드 솔라리스
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchLe Sol-2
Emoji DE Flag  GermanSol-II
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishSegunda venida de Solaris

Change History[]

Version 1.0


  • Second Coming of Solaris was released.


  • Event duration was changed:
    • Old: 2024/06/20 04:00 - 2024/07/02 03:59 (Server Time).
    • New: 2024/06/13 04:00 - 2024/06/27 03:59 (Server Time).
  • Event reward was adjusted:
    • Old: 280 Astrites.
    • New: 420 Astrites.