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Second Coming of Solaris (Quest) is a Tutorial Quest that occurs in Jinzhou, Huanglong.


  1. Talk to Maqi to find out what's going on


UI Quest Quest Description

Maqi is trying to contact you, and it appears to be related to the Pioneer Association's ambitious project The Second Coming of Solaris...
(Talk to Maqi)
Icon Dialogue Quest Learn about Second Coming of Solaris
Maqi: Ever heard of Second Coming of Solaris before, (Rover)?
Icon Dialogue Talk Nope.
Maqi: So you don't know about it?
Icon Dialogue Talk A new periodical by the Pioneer Association?
Maqi: Oh, that's not my job. Periodicals and merchandise are only sold at Ganxue's shop.
Maqi: But how come you don't know about this book?
Icon Dialogue Talk A new merch by the Pioneer Association?
Maqi: Second Coming of Solaris... It's the fiction that everyone's talking about across Huanglong. It has been a bestseller for three weeks in a row!
Maqi: Its author, Karl, is from the New Federation. It's his debut work and he's already been named one of the top-earning writers in recent years with this single book.
Maqi: It rivets nearly all the attention of our editors from the headquarters.
Icon Dialogue Talk They all enjoy reading fiction?
Maqi: Of course not... Some swooped in only to try to find the trick to write a top seller.
Maqi: But I can't deny that it's the best piece of work among all the candidates in recent years.
Maqi: I was taken on an epic adventure through the protagonist while I was reading Second Coming of Solaris...
Maqi: Oh, I got carried away. Let's turn back to our topic. (Rover), we hope you could lend us some help.
Maqi: The Pioneer Association has reached an agreement on developing a game franchise based on Second Coming of Solaris and the production of the game is already underway.
Icon Dialogue Talk A spin-off game!
Icon Dialogue Talk When is it expected to be released?
Maqi: The development is still at a very early stage. The basic framework is complete, but we're still working on the production of a huge body of art assets.
Maqi: The dev team is still struggling to find a creative direction that enables them to recapture the grandeur of the world in the novel.
Maqi: In our meeting yesterday, a few colleagues mentioned that a well-traveled guest had just arrived in Jinzhou... that is what brought me to you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do I get an early access to the game as a perk?
Maqi: Of course, we'll let you know whenever there's progress in the game.
Icon Dialogue Talk But I've never read it before...
Maqi: It's okay. I'll describe to you in detail the related scenes in the novel when you need me to.
Maqi: Simply put, all you need to do is find us some real-world references that fit the descriptions in the novel.
Maqi: With these references, the developers can have a general picture of what the in-game world should look like.
Icon Dialogue Talk Any rewards for this job?
Maqi: You don't need to worry about that. We have a deep budget for the game and you'll be well compensated for your efforts.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm in.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't forget to include me in the credits.
Maqi: Of course. If this goes smoothly, the name of (Rover) may appear on our "Special Thanks" list.
Maqi: Let's begin with today's job if you're ready.
(Quest Complete)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishSecond Coming of Solaris
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)第二索拉
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)第二索拉
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese第二ソラリス
Emoji KO Flag  Korean세컨드 솔라리스
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchLe Sol-2.
Emoji DE Flag  GermanZweiter Sora
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishSegunda venida de Solaris

Change History[]

