Sentry Construct
Transform into Sentry Construct and attack enemies in front, dealing 270% Glacio DMG . Each time the Resonator with this Echo casts Resonance Liberation , it charges the Strike Capacitor. Once Strike Capacitor is at max level, the Echo Skill cooldown will be reset. Use Echo Skill to transform into Sentry Construct and dive into enemies from the air, dealing 270% Glacio DMG and freezing the target. The Resonator with this Echo equipped in their main slot gains 12.00% Glacio DMG Bonus and 12.00% Resonance Skill DMG Bonus. CD: 25s.
Transform into Sentry Construct and attack enemies in front, dealing 315% Glacio DMG . Each time the Resonator with this Echo casts Resonance Liberation , it charges the Strike Capacitor. Once Strike Capacitor is at max level, the Echo Skill cooldown will be reset. Use Echo Skill to transform into Sentry Construct and dive into enemies from the air, dealing 315% Glacio DMG and freezing the target. The Resonator with this Echo equipped in their main slot gains 12.00% Glacio DMG Bonus and 12.00% Resonance Skill DMG Bonus. CD: 25s.
Transform into Sentry Construct and attack enemies in front, dealing 360% Glacio DMG . Each time the Resonator with this Echo casts Resonance Liberation , it charges the Strike Capacitor. Once Strike Capacitor is at max level, the Echo Skill cooldown will be reset. Use Echo Skill to transform into Sentry Construct and dive into enemies from the air, dealing 360% Glacio DMG and freezing the target. The Resonator with this Echo equipped in their main slot gains 12.00% Glacio DMG Bonus and 12.00% Resonance Skill DMG Bonus. CD: 25s.
Transform into Sentry Construct and attack enemies in front, dealing 405% Glacio DMG . Each time the Resonator with this Echo casts Resonance Liberation , it charges the Strike Capacitor. Once Strike Capacitor is at max level, the Echo Skill cooldown will be reset. Use Echo Skill to transform into Sentry Construct and dive into enemies from the air, dealing 405% Glacio DMG and freezing the target. The Resonator with this Echo equipped in their main slot gains 12.00% Glacio DMG Bonus and 12.00% Resonance Skill DMG Bonus. CD: 25s.
Transform into Sentry Construct and deal
Glacio DMG to enemies. Casting
Resonance Liberation while equipped with this Echo enhances Strike Capacitor. At max Strike Capacitor, transform into Sentry Construct and deal
Glacio DMG to enemies. Equipping this Echo in the main slot grants
Glacio DMG Bonus and
Resonance Skill Bonus.
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Language Official Name EnglishSentry Construct Chinese (S) 异构武装挑战获得 Chinese (T) 異構武裝挑戰獲得 Japaneseゼノコロッサス挑戦で獲得 Korean이성 (異性 ) 무장 도전 획득 FrenchArsenal hybride GermanWächterkonstrukt SpanishConstructo Guardia
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