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Shadows of the Past is a Side Quest that occurs in Thessaleo Fells, Rinascita.


  1. Find Xiaoyu and continue the previous topic
  2. Head to the mine
  3. Inquire Modi and Leili about the situation=
    • Talk to Leili
    • Talk to Modi
  4. Talk to Huayu
  5. Follow Uncle Hong and head to the basement floor of the mine
  6. Find the entrance to the mine
  7. Eliminate the Ice Chrysalises
    • Eliminate the Ice Chrysalises (1)
    • Eliminate the Ice Chrysalises (2)
    • Eliminate the Ice Chrysalises (3)
  8. Head to the depths of the mine
  9. Go deeper into the mines and defeat the Phaenix army force
  10. Defeat the Kaguya Army

Gameplay Notes[]

  • After the fourth step, "Talk to Huayu"‍[Is it step four or five?], the Resonance Beacon at Dust-Sealed Track, located underground of Tiger's Maw and north of the Lumpylumen Myriad, is locked and cannot be used.


Find Xiaoyu and continue the previous topic

UI Quest Quest Description

Xiaoyu wants to continue the previous topic
(Talk to Xiaoyu)
Xiaoyu: You're here, (Rover). It's a pity we didn't finish on the story about the Mine's crisis.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm curious.
Xiaoyu: I didn't know the truth of it all before some time since I joined the Ministry.
Xiaoyu: There is a colossal Tacet Discord under the ground surface of the Tiger's Maw Mine. A serious conflict was incurred among the Mine staff when it was discovered.
Xiaoyu: Then, one of the heads of the Mine, Chengwen acted on impulse and speeded up the aggravation of the TD, which finally led to a grave crisis over the whole Mine.
Xiaoyu: It was Uncle Hong who rebuilt the Mine piece by piece, and put it back to order the way it had been.
Xiaoyu: Though Chengwen died protecting the Mine in the crisis, his name was still linked to wrongdoing...
Xiaoyu: ...and deliberately omitted in all the documents related to the Mine.
Xiaoyu: Similar discussions were provoked for times within the Ministry on the handling of this TD.
Xiaoyu: It was Uncle Hong who insisted that coexistence was in the interest of the Mine. And the crisis finally quieted down.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is coexistence really possible?
Xiaoyu: It is said that Uncle Hong was able to produce a reasonable plan and persuade people, but I don't have the details.
Xiaoyu: (Rover), I think your Terminal has been ringing for a while now.
Hua Yu: Is it (Rover)? Now, it might be a sudden call, but the Mine is in a crisis now, and I don't think the signals are stable.
Hua Yu: I don't have time, but we do need your help, please...
Rover: Seems like the Communication is cut off.
Xiaoyu: He sounded urgent. Maybe the Mine is facing some problem again.
Xiaoyu: Let's go take a look. Maybe we'll find more about the Mine's secret from the witnesses.
(Shadows of Past Unlocked)

Head to the mine

UI Quest Quest Description

Xiaoyu wants to continue the previous topic, but your plan is interrupted by a distress call from the mine. You decide to go to the mine to find out what happened.
Noisy Sound of Researchers: Hey, I was almost frozen to death. I told you that thing underground is a ticking bomb.
Noisy Sound of Researchers: Sigh, the detectors are not responding from the bottom of the Mine. The data they recorded is probably lost. All those efforts in vain.
Noisy Sound of Researchers: Have you heard about it? The shutdown of the Mine wasn't a simple accident. It's because...
Rover: What are they talking about? Are they Leili and Modee?
Rover: I should go and ask them what happened to the Mine.

Inquire Modi and Leili about the situation

(Talk to Lei Li)
Lei Li: Is everyone evacuated from the bottom? I want no one trapped down there.
Lei Li: But the chill can't be stopped now. Not before long the upper parts of the Mine will be affected.
Lei Li: Oh, (Rover), why are you here?
Icon Dialogue Talk Doctor Hua called me.
Transcription missing
Icon Dialogue Talk I heard the Mine is faced with a trouble.
Lei Li: Oh? So the help that Doctor Hua mentioned is you. We just had a fight.
Lei Li: In the meantime, as an outsider, you are the perfect judge for the two of us.
Icon Dialogue Talk What happened to the Mine?
Lei Li: As you can see, the reboot wasn't successful, and there is even a strange chill invading from the bottom.
Lei Li: Now that Doctor Hua has called for your help, I won't hide anything from you.
Lei Li: Responsible to this all is the Tacet Discord under the ground of the Mine, Lampylumen Myriad.
Lei Li: But it's not geographical location that made the Tiger's Maw Mine a deposit of so many unique, special minerals...
Lei Li: ..but this special ecological relationship between the Mine and the TD.
Lei Li: Though both the Ministry and the Mine claim that this TD is in a stable dormancy, and that we should look for a balanced way of coexistence...
Lei Li: ...we only feel dread and terror, as its most immediate neighbor.
Lei Li: This talk about balance and development.
Lei Li: Since their birth, TDs are representatives of catastrophe. This kind of unknow, dangerous things should be exterminated.
Lei Li: I was telling what the miners and me really think just now...
Lei Li: ...when Modee suddenly got mad and started to argue with me.
Lei Li: Tell me, (Rover), is what I said wrong? Aren't the facts clear enough?
Lei Li: Isn't this TD to blame for everything that has happened to the Mine?
Icon Dialogue Talk The TD is indeed a danger.
Transcription missing
Icon Dialogue Talk Coexistence did bring benefits, didn't it?
Lei Li: But it is a ticking bomb. I must restate this.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe we should reevaluate the pros and cons.
Lei Li: I don't know about these abstract things. All I know is seeing is believing. My view stays the same.
Icon Dialogue Talk What is Uncle Hong's take on this?
Lei Li: ...Hmm. I would say Uncle Hong is in favor of Modee, because I gather he was the one that put forward the idea of coexistence.
Lei Li: And when we were fighting just now, he... Forget it, (Rover). I'll keep on counting heads.
(Talk to Modee)
Mo Di: Judging from the trend of the diffusion of the chill, the time it reaches the upper level will be only earlier. Before that, we will have to...
Mo Di: Oh? (Rover). you're here. I heard it when Doctor Hua asked you for help. Do you need any assistance?
Icon Dialogue Talk Between you and Leili...
Mo Di: So he told you all that. Then he must have told you the secret about the TD under the ground.
Mo Di: I have always had a different view with him about the coexistence with it.
Mo Di: It's only that the event this time ignite our dissension.
Mo Di: The reason why I insist on coexistence is simple. Do you know the TD's name, (Rover)?
Icon Dialogue Talk Lampylumen Myriad.
Mo Di: That's right. This common name implies the reason of my insistence.
Icon Dialogue Talk lumpylumy something...
Mo Di: It's Lampylumen Myriad. This name implies the reason of my insistence.
Mo Di: Lampylumen is a fairly rare mineral. The conditions of its formation is so critical that even manual interference can hardly control them.
Mo Di: However, it can naturally crystalize and deposit and solidify as raw ore in the Tiger's Maw Mine.
Mo Di: It was until the discovery of Lampylumen Myriad, which lies dormant underground and creates a chilling atmosphere, that we understand the source of the unique underground cave here, a product of the chill and Transcription missing
Mo Di: The cave is the optimal environment for the mineral to grow. That's why we should find a way to coexist with it.
Icon Dialogue Talk That makes sense.
Transcription missing
Icon Dialogue Talk But TD isn't stable.
Mo Di: Yeah, I know, but we just can't give up on all this and restrain ourselves from even trying for this probability.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe we should reevaluate the pros and cons.
Mo Di: This is the answer I work out after careful evaluation. I don't move.
Icon Dialogue Talk What is Uncle Hong's take on this?
Mo Di: Uncle Hong should be a supporter of mine, but something strange happened at the fight just now...

(If Mo Di is spoken to before Lei Li)
As Lei Li continues to speak, you see Dr. Hua rushing over with Hong Bo, gesturing you to come over.
(If Lei Li is spoken to before Mo Di)
When Modee tried to continue, you saw Doctor Hua, together with Uncle Hong, rushed here and made a gesture that urged you to join him.

Talk to Huayu

Hua Yu: Ilia, I was caring for frostbitten miners and couldn't reach you in time. Thank you for coming and helping us.
Hua Yu: Actually, this is also Uncle Hong's request. He looked at the information recorded in the journal about you and insisted that you help.
Uncle Hong: Finally you guys from Ministry of Development caught up. We don't have much time, let's get moving, and don't get lost.
Icon Dialogue Talk What is Uncle Hong talking about?
Icon Dialogue Talk Uncle Hong feels strange.
Uncle Hong: Hey, what is this noise? You brief her about what happened. I'll see the reason of the noise.
Uncle Hong left you and started talking with the researchers and miners.
Hua Yu: Did they tell you about Uncle Hong?
Icon Dialogue Talk They were both fumbling.
Lei Li: Blame him for it. Just when Uncle Hong was about to speak during the fight, he suddenly let out a lot of words and choked Uncle Hong.
Mo Di: Don't you rat on me. It was you who raised your voice and covered Uncle Hong's.
Hua Yu: What? You wanna continue? Can't you open your eyes and see if it's the right time?
Hua Yu: In the argument just now, Uncle Hong was suddenly transformed and accused them. He even referred to them with wrong names.
Hua Yu: Uncle Hong took Lei'li for himself and called him Hong Miao. He accused the latter of caring only for his own ideas and never others'.
Hua Yu: He questioned whether it was absolutely right to exterminate
Hua Yu: ...and whether it was possible to find the substitute for Lampylumen when Lampylumen Myriad is taken out.
Hua Yu: And when facing Modee, Uncle Hong called him Chengwen.
Hua Yu: He asked whether, though coexistence was a good idea, preparations were made if the coexistence were to bring another disaster.
Hua Yu: Unconventional thinking always returns to quietness in the end.
Icon Dialogue Talk Chengwen is a familiar name.
Hua Yu: He was one of the previous heads of the Mine, and a close friend of Uncle Hong's.
Hua Yu: However, his ruthless actions dragged the Mine into a crisis, and himself to death.
Icon Dialogue Talk The previous head of the Mine.
Hua Yu: That's right, he was a close friend of Uncle Hong's, and his ruthless actions dragged the Mine into a crisis.
Icon Dialogue Talk Was Uncle Hong really off his head?
Hua Yu: No. I would say a certain scenario during that fight excited his memory.
Hua Yu: And what Uncle Hong just said to you also proves my theory.
Icon Dialogue Talk You guys from Ministry of Development caught up?
Hua Yu: Exactly. The past crisis was partly due to Ministry of Development and time.
Hua Yu: Back then, the route connecting the Mine and Jinzhou wasn't clearly defined, so the Ministry's rescue took a lot of time on their trip.
Icon Dialogue Talk We don't have much time?
Hua Yu: It was indeed something about time, but the point was in his first sentence: "You guys from Ministry of Development caught up". Back then, the route connecting the Mine and Jinzhou wasn't clearly defined.
Hua Yu: The Ministry's people didn't arrive within the perfect rescue window, so the Mine staff has to establish our own defence against the TD.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't get lost?
Transcription missing
Hua Yu: When a scenario from the past collides with the present, maybe Uncle Hong mistook them for one another.
Hua Yu: In that crisis, maybe Uncle Hong and Chengwen had a similar fight, just Modee and Leili.
Icon Dialogue Talk Uncle Hong took now for the past.
Hua Yu: That's half true. think Uncle Hong mixed now with the past and went through a strange yet familiar crisis.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then who does Uncle Hong think he is?
Hua Yu: Maybe an onlooking miner, or a common old man. His tone was just like one.
Icon Dialogue Talk How can we take Uncle Hong back?
Hua Yu: Now all we can do is follow Uncle Hong's ideas. The stimulating memories can help relive a story.
Hua Yu: A story that meant so much to him.
Icon Dialogue Talk And a story that shows us the truth of the past
Hua Yu: (Rover), we'd have to ask you to work with Uncle Hong to solve the crisis this time.
Icon Dialogue Talk Any plan now?
Hua Yu: I already have the plan. The reason for the failure of the reboot lies in the temperature monitoring system of the Refinery Tower.
The noise went away around you. Uncle Hong joined you after comforting the miners.
Uncle Hong: This system detects the current temperature and adjust the parameters accordingly to ensure the normal running of the Tower.
Uncle Hong: Now, the influence of the chill has disabled this system, so the whole Tower went paralyzed.
Uncle Hong: We must put the temperature back to the normal range before we can successfully reboot the Refinery Tower.
Uncle Hong: And when the Tower is online, as the greatest source of heat in the Mine, it will control the chill.
Icon Dialogue Talk So we must defeat Lampylumen Myriad now.
Uncle Hong: Yes, but since our power is limited, we have to ask the Ministry for help.
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave it to me.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm an expert in combat.
Hua Yu: Lampylumen Myriad isn't an easy foe. Take good care.
Uncle Hong: Cut the trifles. Follow me, (Rover).

Follow Uncle Hong and head to the basement floor of the mine

(Approach designated location)
Uncle Hong: The temperature went down so fast.
Uncle Hong: How's it going, (Rover). Can you hold on?
Uncle Hong: By the way, this feels the same as what I saw in the dream. Only in that dream, I was Uncle Hong.
Uncle Hong: Let's go. We have to find the entrance to the bottom of the cave first.

Find the entrance to the mine

Rover: The entrance is blocked by ice.
Uncle Hong: Yes, maybe due to the Ice Chrysalises. It is a product of the awakening of Lampylumen Myriad.
Uncle Hong: Defeat it to remove the block of the entrance.

Eliminate the Ice Chrysalises Eliminate the Ice chrysalises (1)

(Defeat Rocksteady Guardian and 2 Glacio Predators, located at the southeast part of the mine)

Eliminate the Ice chrysalises (2)

(Defeat Stonewall Bracer and 2 Fission Junrock, located at the northwest part of the mine)

Eliminate the Ice chrysalises (3)

(Approach the designated location, at the northwest part of the mine)
Rover: This Ice Chrysalises looks different from the last one.
Uncle Hong: Maybe due to the chill. It feels even colder here than just now.
(Defeat the Chasm Guardian)
(Investigate the marked spot)
You picked up a clay statue from the broken Ice Chrysalises. It looked like a huge fish.
Uncle Hong: Maybe the miners left it here. They did learn a lot of crafts during their off time.
Icon Dialogue Talk Looks like a huge fish.
Uncle Hong: Huge fish... Haha, it reminds me of that whale in my dream.
Uncle Hong: Due to Lampylumen Myriad, Chengwen and I had an argument. We sat in one corner of the square table.
Uncle Hong: He pushed piles of research materials in front of me in an effort to persuade me, and all I did was hitting the surface of the table and yelled with a voice louder than the noise of the table.
Uncle Hong: After that, he visited me again with my favorite food, and he suddently [sic] brought up this story about human's relationship with whale.
Uncle Hong: And he stopped in the middle, said the other half wasn't written yet.
Uncle Hong: He asked for my view on the half of the story, but I was able to find where he was really getting at.
Uncle Hong: The first encounter with whale was kind of similar to the then situation of the Mine. He wasn't asking for my opinion about the story, but my attitude towards the events.
Uncle Hong: The Ice Chrysalises is clear.
Uncle Hong: The entrance is open now. Let's go, Rover.

Head to the depths of the mine

(Follow the mark and go to the underground of the mine)
Uncle Hong:
Uncle Hong: It was only a dream...
Icon Dialogue Talk What were things like in dreams?
Uncle Hong: I was a coward in the dreams. Wasn't man enough to stand on this frost ground.
Icon Dialogue Talk You kind of cling to the dreams.
Uncle Hong: No, actually I hate that me in the dreams. I was running from everything like a coward.
Uncle Hong: I rushed into this plan to eliminate Lampylumen Myriad in the dream, but it only made things even worse.
Uncle Hong: After I made the disaster happen, I wasn't held accountable in any form, but became the hero of the Mine.
Uncle Hong: Everyone I met said "well done", "thank you", "you're a hero" and so forth.
Uncle Hong: But it feels reassuring to be standing here. I don't, and won't run.
Uncle Hong: I won't be able to help further from here, so I'll wish you luck.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll take care of this.
Icon Dialogue Talk Please trust me.
Uncle Hong: Lampylumen Myriad is closely associated with Ice Chrysalises. You have to take care doing this alone. Then I'm counting on you.

Go deeper into the mines and defeat the Phaenix army force

(Go deeper into the underground mine)
(Defeat the Tacet Discords)
(Go further into the cave)
Rover: (Listen close. The chilling wind is mingled with slight sounds...)
Rover: (Wind, murmur, crushing ice... all mingled together, and closing in)

Defeat the Kaguya Army

(Defeat Lampylumen Myriad
Mistified Tunes)
Hua Yu: The communication returns normal, and the temperature is rising too. (Rover), looks like you succeeded.
Hua Yu: Uncle Hong is safely back too. The Mine is rebooting the Refinery Tower. Thank you for your efforts!

Uncle Hong: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Uncle Hong?
Uncle Hong: Oh, you're back, (Rover). Thank you for lifting us through this crisis.
Uncle Hong: Keep on calling me Uncle Hong.
Icon Dialogue Talk You remembered?
Uncle Hong: Yes, with the help of this plate, which I found when I left the cave.
Uncle Hong: Chengwen told me in my dream that this kind of plate is made of a special mineral, and that words inscibed [sic] on it won't be worn away after years.
Uncle Hong: Look, (Rover). He didn't lie. His name is inscribed on it in a perfect condition.
Uncle Hong: It was all in my dream, but now it's here before our eyes.
Uncle Hong: I only understand now that the dreams were real things.
Icon Dialogue Talk You are calmer than I think.
Uncle Hong: I don't know why, but it feels like I losing the ability to feel as I forget things. No matter it is sadness or regret.
Uncle Hong: What is left was only scenarios. They keep overwhelming me until I lose breath.
Uncle Hong: (Rover), will you listen to the other half of my boring dream?
Icon Dialogue Talk Only too glad.
Uncle Hong: After Lampylumen Myriad was awakened, Chengwen and I walked the same path as we do today.
Uncle Hong: We broke Ice Chrysalises, removed the block at the entrance, and managed to suppress Lampylumen Myriad.
Uncle Hong: However, the Refinery Tower wasn't built in the dream. Suppressing Lampylumen Myriad could only buy time for the rescue from Jinzhou to arrive.
Uncle Hong: Chengwen was heavily injured in the combat, and he didn't make it on the way back to Jinzhou for healing.
Uncle Hong: Later, when the Ministry started to investigate the reason of the crisis at the Mine, I was ready for being held accountable.
Uncle Hong: But what met me was actually applause and medals, which I only found strange.
Uncle Hong: It was Chengwen, who took all the responsibilities himself on the way back to the Ministry.
Uncle Hong: It was only out of his simple belief that I could rebuild the Mine, and that the Mine couldn't afford to lose two heads.
Uncle Hong: Was it guilt?
Uncle Hong: After that I started to study the documents Chengwen left. I picked up the piles of research materials that I myself pushed to the ground.
Uncle Hong: And I found that we were both wrong. The coexistence wasn't a job to do at the two ends of a line, but one to do on the middle point.
Uncle Hong: I found the initial ideas of the Refinery Tower from his notes, and it became what it is now after iterations.
Uncle Hong: We managed the balance by suppressing Lampylumen Myriad's chill with the Refinery Tower's heat, so as to prevent it from awakening.
Uncle Hong: It was with this report that Ministry of Development agreed on the proposal that the Mine coexists with the TD.
Uncle Hong: This was the way of survival that he and I joined efforts to find, but his name was forever wiped from the Mine's documents, and marked as a sinner.
Uncle Hong: And now, even I am losing his memories. I want to write something down, but my brain is just blank.
Uncle Hong: loften go to the places he spent time at, but his traces are only disappearing, because the Mine is changing so fast.
Uncle Hong: Lucky [sic] I have some fragments that I can put down on the journal. These stories and arguments, and Jinzhou Stew that we both love.
Icon Dialogue Talk So the journal is a recollection of the past.
Uncle Hong: Yes. What if one day I stop distinguishing the current from the past and forget myself?
Uncle Hong: What if I get swallowed in a woven world, just like today?
Icon Dialogue Talk The past is irrelevant. You walked out of it.
Uncle Hong: Walked out... Maybe. I don't want to be a coward anymore.
Icon Dialogue Talk The past is irrelevant. You faced everything.
Uncle Hong:
Uncle Hong: And I don't want the kids to walk down my path again.
Uncle Hong: Maybe this crisis is a chance for growth for them. It will correct their overdependence on the experience of previous generations.
Uncle Hong: The balance of our coexistence with TD is forever changing, and the Refinery Tower is only one part of it.
Uncle Hong: Interestingly, this is the first time I've seen Leili and Mode work together.
Uncle Hong: Thank you, (Rover), for listening to this boring dream until the end.
Uncle Hong: You should be tired after all this, right? I already informed the food stall.
Uncle Hong: You must come and have a taste of the special Jinzhou Stew of the


(Quest Complete)

Video Guides[]

Guide: Shadows of the Past

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishShadows of the Past

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