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Baizhi Sticker Slice of Life 01 08
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Shiyan is an NPC in Jinzhou, Huanglong.


Shiyan: I see many listeners today. Thank you for joining us! But before we begin, let us begin a new subject.
Shiyan: It's not about the Teal General or the Battle of Norfall Barrens...
Shiyan: Today, let's talk about Jinzhou, the fortress city we call home. Huanglong boasts one capital and six cities, and Jinzhou is the gatekeeper.
Shiyan: The name "Jinzhou" itself is rather special. Its spoken and written form have layers of meaning.
Shiyan: It sounds like the word for "gateway," and when its written, resembles the shape of a dragon's roar. Hence, we call this place "Jinzhou."
Shiyan: And as for what "Jin" really means, it also signifies the beginning, where every journey starts. That's why Jinzhou is always ready to welcome travelers from far and wide.
Shiyan: It's a fitting name, isn't it?

Quests and Events[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishShiyan

Change History[]
