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Stamina is a attribute/resource that is used in various combat and movement techniques like Sprinting (or Dodging), Climbing, Swimming, Gliding, and Heavy Attacks. After not performing any of these actions for 1.5 seconds, Stamina will naturally regenerate at a rate of 25 Stamina per second. The Stamina meter is displayed as a yellow bar to the right of the character in the center of the screen when either depleting or recharging and will automatically hide itself when fully charged. Visually the meter is divided into sections, each representing 100 Stamina each.‍[verification needed]

Stamina is a shared pool for the entire party and not tracked separately for each member like HP. Therefore, switching characters when running low will not result in any changes.

Various characters' passive talents and food items can help decrease the consumption of Stamina in conditional situations.

Maximum Stamina[]

The player starts with 100 base Stamina.

Stamina Consumption Reduction[]


Certain characters have Skills that modify Stamina consumption.

There are 3 Skills that match the category selection:

Compassion Compassion
Yangyang Yangyang
Yangyang recovers 30 STA after she casts a Mid-air Attack Feather Release.Inherent Skill
Mid-game Break Mid-game Break
Aalto Aalto
Aalto will continuously recover Stamina when he is in the Forte Circuit Mistcloak Dash state.Inherent Skill
Unyielding Unyielding
Taoqi Taoqi
After Heavy Attack: Strategic Parry is successfully triggered, 25 Stamina is recovered.Inherent Skill


There are 2 Nodes that match the category selection:

Node Description Level
Snowy Clarity Snowy Clarity
Sanhua Sanhua
Stamina cost of Heavy Attack Detonate is reduced by 10. When Sanhua casts Resonance Skill Eternal Frost, her Anti-interruption is enhanced for 10s.2
Parcel To Be Delivered Parcel To Be Delivered
Lumi Lumi
After casting Energized Rebound, additionally recovers 60 STA within 3s.1


  • Eating a second dish will override the effects of the first dish i.e. they do not stack.
  • Food that decreases sprinting Stamina affects both dash and sprint.

1 Dish matches the category selection:

Icon Name Rarity Type Effect
Item Spicy Pulled Chicken Spicy Pulled Chicken 2 Stars Icon Exploration Exploration Reduce Wall Dash and swimming STA consumption for all Resonators in the team by 15% for 15 minutes. Only effective on your own Resonators in Co-op Mode.

Stamina Recovery[]


There are no Skills that match the category selection.


When consumed, the character instantly recovers a set amount of Stamina.

5 Dishes match the category selection:

Icon Name Rarity Type Effect
Item Aureate Fried Rice Aureate Fried Rice 3 Stars Icon Exploration Exploration Restore 80 Stamina.
Item Loong Whiskers Crisp Loong Whiskers Crisp 3 Stars Icon Exploration Exploration Restores 80 Stamina
Item Plumpcake Plumpcake 3 Stars Icon Exploration Exploration Restores 80 Stamina
Item Silky Reveries Silky Reveries 3 Stars Icon Exploration Exploration Restores 100 Stamina
Item Milky Fish Soup Milky Fish Soup 2 Stars Icon Exploration Exploration Restore 40 Stamina.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishStamina


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