Wuthering Waves Wiki

A tall flower with a firm stem, crowned by delicate flowers. Sword Acoruses are often used by instructors to teach swordsmanship to young nobles, replacing real swords with these harmless blooms. The children, entranced by the beauty and fragrance, find their attention captured far more easily than by cold, menacing blades.

Sword Acorus is an ascension material resource in Wuthering Waves.

How to Obtain[]

Shop Availability[]

There is 1 Shop that sells Sword Acorus:

Item NPC Shell Credit Cost Stock Notes
Sword Acorus Sword Acorus Rosemary 3,000 15

Ascension Usage[]

1 Resonator uses Sword Acorus for ascension:

CarlottaGlacio Carlotta

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishSword Acorus
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)剑菖蒲
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)劍菖蒲
Emoji JA Flag  Japaneseソードアコーラス
Emoji KO Flag  Korean검창포꽃
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchSchwert-Acorus
Emoji DE Flag  GermanEspadácoro
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishAcorus à sabre

Change History[]

