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Tacet Discords (abbreviated as TDs) are sentient beings formed by the residual chaotic frequency energy under the Waveworn Phenomenon with ever-changing, amorphous forms. They possess Tacet Cores (Chinese: 声核; lit: Sound Nucleus), also known by the academic community as Reverberation Bodies (Chinese: 残响体) and instinctively feed on other frequencies to maintain stability and evolve.

These creatures mimic the abilities, shapes, and behaviors of others and are influenced by the types of frequency they consume.

"Archive: Tacet Discord"[]


Tacet Discord

[Known Types][]

Whisperin, Howler, Tranquilite, Clamorling, and Staticoid


Ever since the emergence of the Waveworn Phenomenon, humanity has been fixated on researching the enigma known as the Tacet Discords.

These entities are seen as sources of destruction and embodiments of chaotic energy. Despite extensive study, our understanding remains incomplete due to a lack of information on their composition.

As time passes, this gap in knowledge will only widen, resulting in the gradual decay and eventual annihilation of these discords. To sustain itself, the Tacet Discords possess an instinctual drive to consume and merge with other frequencies, in a constant battle to maintain its existence.

[Appendix: Echoes][]

Upon its demise, the frequencies of a Tacet Discord will not immediately vanish. Instead, they will slowly decay over time, allowing for their capture and utilization.

Once enough frequencies have been stored, they can be harnessed to replicate the abilities of the original Tacet Discord.

This remaining energy, capable of emulating the defeated entity's power, is known as an Echo - a valuable asset that must be carefully collected and preserved in our laboratory archives.






Mimicry classifications[]

Information to be added.


These Tacet Discords consume the frequencies of humanity to mimic their body shape.


These Tacet Discords consume the frequencies of flora and fauna to mimic wildlife.





  1. Dreamless - A Tacet Discord directly birthed by Ovathrax for its protection, created by cannibalizing the frequencies of the Crownless.
  2. Crownless - Harbinger of the Scourge of War (Threnodian Ovathrax).
    1. Tempest Mephis - Vanguard of the Crownless
    2. Thundering Mephis - Vanguard of the Crownless

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishTacet Discord
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)残象
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)殘象
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese残像
Emoji KO Flag  Korean잔상
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchTacet Discord
Emoji DE Flag  GermanTacet-Dissonanz
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishDisonancia Tácita

Change History[]


  1. Also called Murmurin