Wuthering Waves Wiki

The joyful rhythm of her rondo taps on the gates of the netherworld, and with a single exchange of glances, death takes its first step. A gaze from the other side transforms into a full moon, filling her hollow right eye—thus, the still moon shifts, awakened by her stare.

The Netherworld's Stare is a Skill Upgrade Material obtainable from Hecate.

Dropped By[]

1 Weekly Boss drops The Netherworld's Stare:

Hecate Lv. 1+ Hecate

Skill Leveling Usage[]

2 Resonators use The Netherworld's Stare for leveling their Skills:

CarlottaGlacio Carlotta
RocciaHavoc Roccia

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishThe Netherworld's Stare

Change History[]

