Thundering Mephis
Transform into Thundering Mephis, engaging in a rapid assault of up to 6 strikes. The first 5 strikes deal 95.31 % Electro DMG each, while the final strike inflicts 136.16 % Electro DMG , with an additional 22.69 % Electro DMG from the thunder. After the final hit, increase the current character’s Electro DMG by 12% and Resonance Liberation DMG by 12% for 15s. CD: 20s
Transform into Thundering Mephis, engaging in a rapid assault of up to 6 strikes. The first 5 strikes deal 197.74 % Electro DMG each, while the final strike inflicts 153.92 % Electro DMG , with an additional 25.65 % Electro DMG from the thunder. After the final hit, increase the current character’s Electro DMG by 12% and Resonance Liberation DMG by 12% for 15s. CD: 20s
Transform into Thundering Mephis, engaging in a rapid assault of up to 6 strikes. The first 5 strikes deal 120.18 % Electro DMG each, while the final strike inflicts 171.68 % Electro DMG , with an additional 28.61 % Electro DMG from the thunder. After the final hit, increase the current character’s Electro DMG by 12% and Resonance Liberation DMG by 12% for 15s. CD: 20s
Transform into Thundering Mephis, engaging in a rapid assault of up to 6 strikes. The first 5 strikes deal 132.61 % Electro DMG each, while the final strike inflicts 189.44 % Electro DMG , with an additional 31.57 % Electro DMG from the thunder. After the final hit, increase the current character’s Electro DMG by 12% and Resonance Liberation DMG by 12% for 15s. CD: 20s
Thundering Mephis is a/an Overlord Class Echo .
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Other Languages [ ]
Language Official Name EnglishThundering Mephis Chinese (S) 云闪之鳞 Chinese (T) 雲閃之鱗 Japanese雲閃のウロコ Korean뇌운의 비늘 FrenchMephis éclatant [1] GermanDonnernder Mephis SpanishMephis Trueno
Change History [ ]
Version 2.0
Nightmare version was added.
Version 1.0
Thundering Mephis/Echo was released.
References [ ]
↑ The correct French translation should have been "Mephis tonnerre," but it is already used for Tempest Mephis , which should have been "Mephis tempête."
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