Wuthering Waves Wiki

A map painted on wood, showing where the Sword of Courage can be found.
This is a gift given to Ying by Ying's mother before she passed away, which embodies the unspoken agreement between a mother and a daughter, whether the fabled gateway of wishes is real or not.

Treasure Map to Sword of Courage is a quest item in Wuthering Waves.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishTreasure Map to Sword of Courage
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)「勇气之宝剑」藏宝图
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)「勇氣之寶劍」藏寶圖
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese「勇気の宝剣」宝地図
Emoji KO Flag  Korean「용기의 보검」 보물 지도
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchCarte au trésor de l'Épée du courage
Emoji DE Flag  GermanSchatzkarte zum Schwert des Mutes
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishMapa del Tesoro: Espada del coraje

Change History[]

