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Tutorial Quests are a type of quest which are designed to introduce or elaborate on a core game mechanic.

Tutorial quests generally aren't voice acted, and most are for introducing end-game content.

List of Tutorial Quests[]

16 Quests match the category selection:

Name Summary Start Location Requirements Rewards Version
Alone in the Abyss Complete Clashing Blades, Reach Union Lv. 15
Union EXP 150
Astrite 20
Medium Sealed Tube 2
Shell Credit 10,000
Dream Patrol II Defeat any Nightmare Echo.‍[verification needed]
Previous Quest(s): Dream Patrol I
Advanced Resonance Potion 2
Advanced Energy Core 2
Advanced Sealed Tube 1
Shell Credit 10,000
Dream Patrol I Ragunna City
Advanced Resonance Potion 2
Advanced Energy Core 2
Advanced Sealed Tube 1
Shell Credit 10,000
Dream Patrol: Finale Defeat all Nightmare Echo.
Previous Quest(s): Dream Patrol II
Advanced Resonance Potion 2
Advanced Energy Core 2
Advanced Sealed Tube 1
Shell Credit 10,000
First Trial Jinzhou Branch Reach Union Lv. 18
Union EXP 150
Astrite 20
Medium Energy Core 3
Shell Credit 12,000
Honorary Chef: Taste of Memories Jinzhou Unknown
Union EXP 150
Astrite 20
Stuffed Flatbread Recipe 1
Angelica Tea Recipe 1
Shell Credit 20,000
La La Echo
Union EXP 150
Astrite 20
Medium Sealed Tube 2
Shell Credit 10,000
Ocean Is a Soul's Rest Reach Union Level 30.
Union EXP 150
Astrite 20
Medium Sealed Tube 2
Shell Credit 10,000
Pedestal Device Reach Union Lv. 27
Union EXP 150
Astrite 20
Medium Sealed Tube 2
Shell Credit 10,000
Remnants of the Past Days Pick up a Sonance Casket
Union EXP 150
Astrite 20
Medium Resonance Potion 3
Shell Credit 12,000
SOL3 Phase Ascension: Phase III Reach Union Level 60
Premium Resonance Potion 4
Premium Energy Core 4
Premium Sealed Tube 3
Shell Credit 100,000
SOL3 Phase Ascension: Phase II Reach Union Level 40
Premium Resonance Potion 3
Premium Energy Core 3
Premium Sealed Tube 2
Shell Credit 80,000
SOL3 Phase Ascension: Phase I Reach Union Level 20
Advanced Resonance Potion 4
Advanced Energy Core 4
Advanced Sealed Tube 3
Shell Credit 60,000
Somnoire: Illusive Realms Log in while Depths of Illusive Realm event is ongoing. Reach Union Level 17.
Union EXP 150
Astrite 20
Medium Resonance Potion 3
Shell Credit 12,000
The Plushie Village Garden of the Lost
Union EXP 150
Astrite 20
Medium Sealed Tube 2
Shell Credit 10,000
When Colors Fade Complete any Overflowing Palette challenge.
Advanced Resonance Potion 2
Advanced Energy Core 2
Advanced Sealed Tube 1
Shell Credit 10,000

Tutorial Quests: Events[]

6 Quests match the category selection:

Name Summary Event Name Requirements Version
Pincer Maneuver Warriors (Quest) Pincer Maneuver Warriors 1.4
Second Coming of Solaris Second Coming of Solaris Reach Union Level 14, complete Echoing Marche and log in during Second Coming of Solaris event 1.0
Farewell! Let's Overdash! Overdash Club Finish Overdash Club event.
Previous Quest(s): Get Ready! Let's Overdash!
Get Ready! Let's Overdash! Overdash Club Log in while Overdash Club event is ongoing. Reach Union Level 14 and complete Main Quest: Chapter 1 Act 2. 1.0
Moonlit Reunion By Moon's Grace 1.2
Set Sail! Pro Angler! Old Man and the Whale 2.1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishTutorial Quests
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)道引任务
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)道引任務
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese道標任務
Emoji KO Flag  Korean튜토리얼 임무
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchQuêtes tutorielles
Emoji DE Flag  GermanTutorial-Quests
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishMisiones del Tutorial

Change History[]

