Wuthering Waves Wiki

A wreath infused with the myriad feelings and emotions you and your friends have experienced along the way. The sight of this wreath gives you the strength to forge ahead.
You and the girl who suggested making this wreath have made a pact: Stories are an extension of life. You'll never run out of them, if you're adventurous enough. There will always be more adventures to be had, and more stories to be told.

Wreath of Hope is a quest item in Wuthering Waves.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Emoji EN Flag  EnglishWreath of Hope
Emoji ZHS Flag  Chinese (S)希望之花冠
Emoji ZHT Flag  Chinese (T)希望之花冠
Emoji JA Flag  Japanese希望の花冠
Emoji KO Flag  Korean희망의 화관
Emoji FR Flag  FrenchCouronne de l'espoir
Emoji DE Flag  GermanKranz der Hoffnung
Emoji ES Flag  SpanishCorona de esperanza

Change History[]

